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5 inch ring blesser blonde


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Hi Guys,

This is my first 5 inch ring shell. I've encapsuled the stars in a thin piece of tissue. I was inspired to do so because of a Chinese ring ballshell autopsy I saw at passfire. I noticed how the Chinese use this technique to

keep the stars nice and snug so inside the hemisphere so the shell can be handled without the stars moving about.




weight : 510 grams

break : 322 grams MCRH 4/1

boost : 5 gram KCLO4/indian black 000 hotflash

stars : 12 mm blesser blonde streamer stars, made with BBQ charcoal, unfortunately the composition was overmilled.

lift : 50 grams of 10 mesh pulverone, made with hemp charcoal

pasting : 4 layers of 3 strip method, consolidated with weath paste.

comet : 20mm blesser blonde pumped with comet pump.


I hope you guys like my shell. I've made a nice batch of winokur 20 and veline red stars ,soon I'll start building some nice 5 inchers using these stars.


I'd like to close with a message to my wounded fellow pyro Mumbles: Get well soon , I hope you heal quickly .


Edited by fredhappy
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Yeah Karlos I know. It was a leftover amount of stars from my previous batch of blesser blond. I just overmilled it. But I was was just experimenting

with getting a nice ring form. I also used too much lift, so it also went too high. It stil was a fun shell to shoot, I love the larger calibres .

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