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Being robbed of our civil liberties!


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This was at the G20 summit in Toronto where they spent 1 billion dollars on security. The people of Toronto are calling for a public inquiry as there have been more than 800 arrests for no apparent reason. Even reporters were arrested. There has been a public outcry for the police chief to resign, but nothing has happened.



Edited by Cookieman
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Wow, that one officer appears to be a total lunatic! "hubada hubada, those bubbles are a deliberate act, detergent , hubada hubada" This kind of institutional reasoning, in my opinion, sums up just about everything that's wrong with our modern society. And these guys think we're bad guys... unbelievable
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I don't know the circumstances, did not read it... but think about it. How many different bad chemicals could one put in bubble solution? Eyes are very sensitive. Even with nothing added it would not be "good" for your eyes.


If he asked her not to and she kept doing it, then yeah it makes "sense."

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I don't know the circumstances, did not read it... but think about it. How many different bad chemicals could one put in bubble solution? Eyes are very sensitive. Even with nothing added it would not be "good" for your eyes.


If he asked her not to and she kept doing it, then yeah it makes "sense."

I suppose someone could put a poisonous chemical in bubbles. Approximately how many bubbles would have to make direct contact with an eyeball to deliver a substantial amount of poison? I guess it would depend on the chem. Most likely someone would have to have repeated bubbles blown at somebody holding their eye open (don't forget about eyelashes.) I'm not trying to poke fun, because I agree with your reasoning, I just think that it is so unlikely that it really shouldn't be considered as an "occupational hazard" for a police officer. My real problem is with the officer's line of reasoning. Assault? Do you really think that the officer believed that the woman was trying to cause him physical damage? No, he was just another officer who doesn't appear to have the proper temperament to be in law enforcement. He seems willing to fudge the facts and exaggerate events to satisfy his emotional need to punish people he doesn't like. As far as asking her to stop, keep in mind, it is 100% legal to give a police officer the finger! (in the US at least) Is it wrong, rude, and a bad idea? Of course, but its legal. So if you give the finger to an officer and he asks you to stop and you refuse, that is your prerogative and there should be no consequences. Again, it doesn't "feel" right, but its the way it is. You don't think people should have to do anything a police officer says, do you?



"Even with nothing added it would not be "good" for your eyes."

Somebody should tell parents this :) b/c just about every kid I know runs around blowing bubbles unsupervised.


I'm not trying to loose friends here, I just enjoy engaging in debate. So, please don't take anything I say personally ;)

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I watched the video. The big problem is, the video cuts out prior to the actual arrest. Who knows what could have actually happened. This story was obviously edited to achieve the maximum impact and viral views, regardless of the truth. The arrest was obviously not a result of a 'bubble assault' or they would have shown that in the video. This video is a propaganda tool. They just happened to get a petty cop that missed his morning coffee and edited it to look like an arrest was made for no reason at all. I have no respect for people who have to trick others into supporting their cause, whether they're treated unfairly by the police or not.
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I watched the video. The big problem is, the video cuts out prior to the actual arrest. Who knows what could have actually happened. This story was obviously edited to achieve the maximum impact and viral views, regardless of the truth. The arrest was obviously not a result of a 'bubble assault' or they would have shown that in the video. This video is a propaganda tool. They just happened to get a petty cop that missed his morning coffee and edited it to look like an arrest was made for no reason at all. I have no respect for people who have to trick others into supporting their cause, whether they're treated unfairly by the police or not.





This is not propaganda, This is actual footage from a journalist. Some of the people damaging property shown on this video were said to have been hired by the cops to disrupt the peacefull demonstrations going on. Martial law is coming and it's up the young gereration to do something about it.


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This video is a propaganda tool. They just happened to get a petty cop that missed his morning coffee and edited it to look like an arrest was made for no reason at all.
I'm pretty sure the officer making the arrest wasn't the same officer giving her the bubble speech. Maybe the original officer delegated the arrest or, like you said, she could have done something else to be arrested. I would be really surprised if she acted violent in any way based on the before and after vid. I think it's fair to say that there is a possibility that the woman did something to warrant the arrest, but I don't think its fair to assume it is propaganda for certain. Sometimes you edit your tutorials for down time, right? When I see a shell construction vid that is edited, it is very possible that between cuts somebody else worked on the shell. Hell, after you cut from construction to launch, for all I know, you slipped in a commercial shell and launched it. It's dark, I cant prove anything. Of course I don't think someone else makes your shells :), I'm just making the point that we may be right, we may be wrong, but we can't say for sure, so "guilty of propaganda" is a hunch and only a hunch. Maybe the vid was edited because there were 20 boring minutes of bubble blowing? Or maybe the person stopped filming and then resumed when he noticed the arrest? Or maybe his battery died and he charged it in a local coffee shop and came back? Either way, I have no personal interest in either circumstance. I'm just disappointed in the fact that some of these officers may have been trying to find reasons to arrest people. Most likely what happened to her is what happened to me while filming the investigation of a shooting next door to my old house. I was on my own property filming and the officers kept bullying me to "Back up, back up." I finally told them, "look, I'll take a few steps back, but thats it. I'm on my property and I'm not backing up anymore." You should have seen the look on this guys face. If it was legal to arrest me and lock me up for 2 years, he would have done it. That was the shear size of his ego. Luckily, he decided he didn't want to lie in court. My guess is that the officers were so annoyed by the protesters that they began giving out orders. Some orders that the citizens had to follow, some that they didn't (officers are allowed to lie and tell you to do things you don't have to do) Whoever in the crowd guessed wrong was arrested. Thats my guess.

Again, if you live in the USA, check out this website.




Edited by Skycastlefish
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One wonders why they choose to hold these summits in city centers rather than in a military base in the middle of the desert, or other existing high-security facility?


Almost as if they want the confrontation...


I guess mabye they want to get their money's worth from the hired agent provocateurs, black bloc, and play with new crowd control weaponry.

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One wonders why they choose to hold these summits in city centers rather than in a military base in the middle of the desert, or other existing high-security facility?


Almost as if they want the confrontation...


I guess mabye they want to get their money's worth from the hired agent provocateurs, black bloc, and play with new crowd control weaponry.



I think you may be right on that one, I heard they wanted to test there sound canon's which omits a high decible sound but did not use it. In Quebec, they caught 3 provocateurs in the crowd with rocks trying to stir up a peacefull demonstration. Democracy as we know it, is in trouble. This was done deliberately by the federal government to test security. I wont be surprised if it is the shape of things to come!!!

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Sadly, the civil liberty to protest publicly at the way our economies are being looted was suspended after the 1999 Seattle WTO conference. I find the cost of the security measures obscene, as well as the casual way the word "terrorism" is tossed around as a justification. The only threat of "terror" at these events is the terror of the participants that the greater public will wake up to what's going on and make them stop. As for whether it's provoked, a bit of well-publicized "riot control" playing on the 6 o clock news is necessary every now and again to reinforce the image that the objectors are hippy commie anarchist freaks and regular folk better keep away.
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Sadly, the civil liberty to protest publicly at the way our economies are being looted was suspended after the 1999 Seattle WTO conference. I find the cost of the security measures obscene, as well as the casual way the word "terrorism" is tossed around as a justification. The only threat of "terror" at these events is the terror of the participants that the greater public will wake up to what's going on and make them stop. As for whether it's provoked, a bit of well-publicized "riot control" playing on the 6 o clock news is necessary every now and again to reinforce the image that the objectors are hippy commie anarchist freaks and regular folk better keep away.



The word "Terror" or "terrorism" was a word made up by the government to give the enemy a name. It was used to create fear to the general public so they can spend billions of dollars to go to war. How do you justify spending 1 billion dollars on security in a recession. I mean we (the taxpayers) already pay the military to do their job.Why not get them to secure the Summit. I'm sorry that I may offend some, but what are they fighting for in Afghanistan and Iraq ?

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I know that viewing such videos only gives one a very limited viewpoint on what happened, but I still can't help but think of how patently absurd the whole event was. Despite the fact that she actually wasn't arrested for the bubble blowing, but for "conspiracy to create mischief" because of the medical supplies in her backpack, it's still utterly stupid. We're not seeing the whole picture here, and even knowing that I still can't help but be worried about our future...
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Check out my second video where the cop punches the journalist in the face and takes his mike for no reason.
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Really though, unless they are actually protesting on a common front (which these protesters weren't), why bother?

The rag-tag mobs of different groups - some peacefully protesting, some not, might as well have stayed home. IMO NOTHING was accomplished in helping their cause(s), do they believe that someone seeing 100's OF DIFFERENT signs is really going to change the world?

And, the vandalism and destruction does nothing to help their image, and gives the cops reason to arrest.

I agree that a city is a bad place to host such summits, based on what always happens, and the security budget was absurd.


As for martial law, this kind of protesting is exactly what will bring that in faster.


Still, it always make me laugh seeing hippies getting slapped by the cops...sorry can't help it.

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Really though, unless they are actually protesting on a common front (which these protesters weren't), why bother?

The rag-tag mobs of different groups - some peacefully protesting, some not, might as well have stayed home. IMO NOTHING was accomplished in helping their cause(s), do they believe that someone seeing 100's OF DIFFERENT signs is really going to change the world?

And, the vandalism and destruction does nothing to help their image, and gives the cops reason to arrest.

I agree that a city is a bad place to host such summits, based on what always happens, and the security budget was absurd.


As for martial law, this kind of protesting is exactly what will bring that in faster.


Still, it always make me laugh seeing hippies getting slapped by the cops...sorry can't help it.



Their actually was no common front, ttere were alot of pockets of people protesting different issues. I guess thats why the cops probably started arresting everyone. I saw womens abortion groups, protesters against the budget of the summit, protesters against the leaders of the summit,protesters against poverty, and protesters there just to cause distruction of property.

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Their actually was no common front, ttere were alot of pockets of people protesting different issues. I guess thats why the cops probably started arresting everyone. I saw womens abortion groups, protesters against the budget of the summit, protesters against the leaders of the summit,protesters against poverty, and protesters there just to cause distruction of property.


So, as I said , just a mish-mash or people vying for attention of which they will get very little.

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This is not propaganda, This is actual footage from a journalist. Some of the people damaging property shown on this video were said to have been hired by the cops to disrupt the peacefull demonstrations going on. Martial law is coming and it's up the young gereration to do something about it.



Not to troll, but this "actual footage from a journalist" (not disputing that) has an obvious cut in it from where nothing is apparently happening, to where she's already well removed from the situation and being cuffed. Something happened, and this video doesn't tell the full story by any means. Unless we're shown the cut footage we have no idea what she was arrested for, or even how long after the bubbles stuff it happened.


As far as Martial law is coming, do you have a date or time in mind for that?

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No, I don't have a time and date for that, but I'm pretty sure my generation won't be around to see it.
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No, I don't have a time and date for that, but I'm pretty sure my generation won't be around to see it.


Awsome, so nothing to get worked up about then.

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Awsome, so nothing to get worked up about then.


I don't think theres anything wrong with caring about the future. With any luck I'll have little grandkids pumping stars and making fountains.


Edit: I just read this and realized how ridiculous it sounds. I mean adult grandkids who I call little because they're littler in time, so to speak. :)

Edited by Skycastlefish
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I'm sorry that I may offend some, but what are they fighting for in Afghanistan and Iraq ?


Iraq is pretty much wound all the way down now. Afghanistan, with its common border to Pakistan, is a terrorist breeding ground. There are known training camps in northern pakistan, where the perpertraitors of the Moombai attacks were trained. Until the Taliban are pushed out, or an agreement is reached between the legitimate government of Afghanistan and the Taliban, the war will go on. Law, order and economic prosperity is the goal of the coalition front there, because when this is achieved, there will be less disgruntled population to be recruited by the Taliban, and power can be handed back to the Afghani Army, government and Police.

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Afghanistan, with its common border to Pakistan, is a terrorist breeding ground.


I thought the whole world was a terrorist breeding ground now, what with the inturnet and all... and don't forget the domestic ones!


I say nuke the planet from orbit - it's the only way to be sure :wacko:

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