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Lampblack Willow star


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Name of Composition: Lamblack Willow Star

Composition Type: Willow

Creator: unknown

Colr/Effect: Long lasting/floating orange sparks


The Composition:



KNO3........ ........5%



Precautions/Instabilties: Do not use with sulfur or sulfur componets as it can become sensitive and possibly cause accidental ignition. Do not let it come into contct with sulfur based cores or burst charges!


Procedures/Preperations: Slightly dampen Lamblack with alcohol before adding the other componets. It should still flow as a powder after the other stuff is added or you should set it aside to dry for a few hours. For stars dampen with 50/50 alcohol/water.


Other: I have yet to test these in anything but my star gun and on the ground since I'm out of Lampblack, I'm saving these for the 4th!


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v389/pyr...00_0405.jpg /a>




Edit: Could someone resize these so they can be posted?




I modified the comp to chlorate instead of perchlorate due to a mistake in the past. -Mumbles

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The links don't work for me, I get an error.


Lampblack can contain some sulfer or sulfer compount either, altough it isn't as big of an deal with KClO4 as with KClO3, it's good to know.

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The reason is that I just copied/pasetd this from the old forum, so that the threads would be on this forum too. Since the topic is old, the pictures are probably taken away some time ago, and there is no way I can get them back here, sorry. Maybe pyrohawk still has them...
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Ahem.....uhhh there seems to be a mistake here :o I posted the wrong thing and since there was never any discussion it kinda faded into the back and I never realized it until just now!! I used KClO3 not KClO4!!

I do have a Willow Comp. using KClO4 though if anyone is interested, I've just never used it...


So change that Rooster.... KClO3 not KClO4!!! Wow I can't believe noone called me on that in so long.... :P


I'm afraid I don't even remember what those pictures were..... But I do have a picture of a Willow starmine!! A very unusual effect!! The pillar of sparks hangs in the air for about 7 seconds just gently drifting down like a cloud. Hehe I ran through the cloud of sparks for fun, it was just so tempting! I have the video but its like 14 seconds long....


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