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How to get college credit really quickly and cheaply for you're AA


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I'm 17 and I'm going to get some sort of business degree,

maybe business management:)



I graduated when I was 16 with a GED and then a few months ago found out about CLEP tests.

They are significant enough that I want to share the news about them since they are a serious help in getting your

first 2 years of college done quickly and cheaply.


I've gotten 12 college credits in 4 months(I messed around, I'm getting more serious) from taking CLEP tests.

Basically you can test out of lower division courses that you would spend a semester of college in,

that goes towards you're AA.

I saw the thread with the poll on people's age.

Many of them are around my age and I thought it could be helpful to mention CLEP tests.


Basically you prep for them, spend $90 for the test and fees,

or they are free if you're in/were in the military.

You normally get 3 credits, but some are 6 or more.

Typically they are 100 to 120 question tests that takes 20 minutes to an hour and a half depending on how much time you want to take.


You should buy a REA CLEP prep book for a particular subject(s).

I use Instacert flash cards(a $20 a month online service, that works great) and get my practice tests and Instacert flash cards 90%+ correct.

It's important to understand whatever perspective/or material you're studying and not just fill in the blank.


You have to get a 50 on a scale of 20 to 80 to pass,

well most college say 50 is a pass.

A pass is a pass,

there is no grading.

It's a calculated score but it's like 50% correct for a 50 scaled score or so,

depending on what you're taking.


I need 60 credits(or is it 40 ugh I forget) for my AA,

at around $120 for 3 credits or so for my test, Instacert and my books.

I study 2 to 3 weeks at 3 hours or more a day,

and so far it's worked well.


I can take 2-3 CLEP tests a month,

I have to fly on a plane since they don't test on the Big Island and overall at 6-9 credits a month it won't take long.



It's just something to keep in mind if you want to blaze through you're AA.

Some online colleges let you totally test out of your first 2 years,

others (like many brick and mortar ones) don't allow you to fully CLEP out,

the forum below has information on that particular subject....


Umm some links that I'm not affiliated with...





Most, like 90% of the books REA published are supposed to be good,

check amazon ratings or ask on this forum if amazon ratings aren't so good.



Nice forum to ask question about CLEPS and stuff,

friendly people and some information...


And InstaCert!

No I'm not affiliated in any way with them.


Saved my Bacon a few times,

you think you know everything about XXX then you take the test and there are a few to more than a few question they toss in that you wont know,

it helps you learn as much as you can and help you pass....

Edited by jm82792
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