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I can't say I'm all that sad about it either. Bunch o' lunatics over there in my opinion. :lol:

TOTSE (Temple Of The Screaming Electron) went offline on Jan. 17, 2009. Don't know if it's been posted already, but i thought is was pretty amazing considering its been up for 20 odd years now.


Goodbye kewls!

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Yeah, I'm pretty sure most people here are aware. We never "officially" discussed it with a new thread, it's just mixed in with the random thread and such. Actually there was a slight concern because we thought some of the totse crowd might flock to places like...here. To be honest I haven't been here that often lately so I don't know if we actually have had any such problem or not. Although my guess is no, just because they would probably be bored of our "safe and sane" discussion. Totse people have watched too many action movies and the always feel the need to carry out bad ideas from said action movies. (At least, that is the impression I get)
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There's an influx of new people lately, judging from the increase in signups, but not sure how many are from TOTSE.

Most of the new signups haven't made a "reply" to get to Full Member, though. Perhaps they're satisfied to just surf here, I dunno.

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I had been at &TOTSE since October 2004 up until Jeff closed it down. As with any other forum there are retards. And no one acts quite the same on forums as they do face to face. Still, having met some of the people from there and talking with some of them daily... I miss it. I have to say that SOME of the individuals there were quite unique and brought ideas to the table that no one else would have ever considered. Some were quite brilliant. DIY robotic lawnmower brilliant. Mostly in the DIY section... but in most every section aside from the random chat sections there were a few people that REALLY knew what they were talking about. However their posts often got drowned out in the sea of noobs and retards. Thats what you get with such an all encompassing public forum... However you also get to see many different hobbies you might never thought of in a short period of time. Its exposing yourself to raw info; just weed out the garbage. You learn.


Meh. It has helped foster my curiosity and desire to learn to what it is today... and for that it will always hold a place in my heart.


Oh and if your first opinion was based on the text files, know that &TOTSE was always about the forums, not the retarded files. Hell we (the Backyard Ballistics forum) tried to get many of them taken down multiple times but Jeff wouldn't since at the time the site was made to promote freedom of information... Regardless of the in-accuracy of content...

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