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Aluminum Powder


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I was just wondering where everyone gets there al from, what mesh, and for what mesh they use it for.What all I can make out of al.
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Why is this in General Chemistry? Try Noobie Questions. There are a million threads about Al and where to get it.
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Probably because thats not how you spell POWDER.

lol it was just a typo in my post. I spelled it right in the search.

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Well, either you are lying or you suck at searching. Weird how there is a thread by you with the exact same title.





Anyway, I am locking this. It is in the wrong section. All you seem to care about is salutes also, which is not what we are about here. We are about the art of pyrotechnics, not booms. You don't seem to want to learn at all, just where to get supplies to make salutes.

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