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I really dont see many people in here talk to much about salutes.

Can everyone in here post their pics and videos of their salutes? I will post some as well when others post theirs.


Ps. If u have pics of you making them as well that would be great. :D


I decided to take a pic from the video I made.


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Here's a 1/2 spherical titanium, 1/2 70/30 flash header (1/2" ball shell) on a rocket. Obviously, it didn't quite take off! My buddy, who's new to the whole pyro thing, stuck the stick about a foot into the ground! Didn't realize it at the time, so it never got off the ground. For the purpose of sizing, the flash is about 6-7 ft tall.


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10g Gunpowder Salute made for a talk on pyro at my school! :)


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Here are some random images of 50:50 KNO3:Mg "M-80s" I made with a mate.














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May i ask Joe609, how do you get those at such high resoloution and at the perfect moment? Mine are stills taken from movies on my digital camera, yours looks like real photos!
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This may be a tad off topic*


I have an 8 megapixel pro camera (I'm a photographer) so once I get better at pyro, I will have some genral "Stock" photos up so you guys can use them as avatars or whatever if you want.

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Here’s one of my BP salutes.

Did you use BP that you made?

weknowpyro whats the id and stuff on those tubes?? they look great!What did you you use for your plugs? if u want some big 3 1/2" tubes 1/8 wall go to pyrotube. They are the only ones I know who got tubes like that!

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Yeah it was home milled BP the tube had an ID of 15mm and was about 70mm long. I used wood for ends plug and put them down about 5mm into the tube and glue with wood glue then crimped the tube in like a shotgun shell.
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Yeah it was home milled BP the tube had an ID of 15mm and was about 70mm long. I used wood for ends plug and put them down about 5mm into the tube and glue with wood glue then crimped the tube in like a shotgun shell.

Hmm I see. Well aren't you worried about getting hit with one of those plugs? :blink:

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I make sure the plugs aren’t facing towards any one or any thing just in case one dose fly out. The tube split in half most of the time I haven’t had a problem yet touch wood.
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This is getting locked. We are not a kewl forum, and do not support the manufacture of salutes. It undermines the integrity and purpose of this forum. It brings us down to a level we do not wish to be at. We want to advance, not be held back by people who arn't actually interested in pyrotechnics and just want booms.
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