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Most of you probably don't know me, I'm a member from a while back, used to be and apparently still am an Admin. First of all I should apologise for disappearing without explanation, schoolwork started to become more of a priority and the magic of pyro was starting to fade. It's nice to see some familiar names, Mumbles of course, also optimus, pretty green flame, frkonaleash, al93535 etc... also nice to see some familiar threads! The Random Thread is still going! :lol: Awesome.


It's great to see that our little hobby is still going strong, especially with all the fuss over terrorism and that proposed clampdown on chemicals and fuse in the US (what happened to that?).


I came here today because I'm off to University tomorrow, and I found all my chems in the shed. I couldn't bring myself to get rid of them, so they're going to stay there until maybe, one day, I get back into it. Amongst them were some chlorate based stars with BP primer :mellow: they've been sitting there for years... not good. I'm using them all up tonight in some mines and such -- I'll get videos. I made a quick one just now, just some lift powder in a mortar tube I still have, some stars on top, fused through the side, easy as that. It worked great!


So keep it up everyone, maybe one day I'll be back for good. ^_^


PS. UK members, you might remember I used to own the fuse site UK Visco, it's been out of action for some time now and won't be coming back soon. Sorry. :(

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Its good to see you back Chaz. Its definitely been a while. I pretty much did the same thing as you...I moved to a different houee and when I found my boxes of chems and supplies I started posting again. I remember when we used to start a new random thread every 10 pages....the new one is up to 200+.
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Good to hear from you dude!


I too have had a similar experience, moving house, lost access to my chems for a while, long while without doing any tests, but as the saying goes "he who hath smelt the smoke....." :P

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