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egg aerial shell


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Well ive been working on small things like fountains,mines,small rockets ect but i wanna have a go at a egg shell i have stars bp break mix visco and the egg i would like some tips on the lift and overall construction of it any tips are welcome ^_^


thx a ton

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I saw all of them just wanted any extra tips ;) .

I made my first shell and let it off only i have problems with the lift it went off low about 25ft to 30ft . (im using granulated bp for lift)

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And you can ask any questions you have in those threads.


What's that? Does anyone else hear a mod with a key?

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I'm trying to get a tutorial up, but I can't upload pictures and I don't have the time to screw with it.
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Put the pictures on photobucket.com and just link the pictures to your tutorial (that's what I did). I too can't upload pictures on the APC hosting.
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My computer is all messed up. I can't even get the pictures from my camera to it.
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Making a few that worked well, is different from consistency. I've been working on consistency for a long time, and I'm getting there. Hopefully you have a good method down.
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  • 2 weeks later...
That one is way to much effort, and material consuming. There are ways to make them really simple and effecient. I suggest breach firing so you can dump the lift directly down the tube, and avoid the lift pouch. Spiking with a few wraps of light kraft paper horizontally, and masking tape vertically several times if you want a good symetrical break.
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