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If we have any members who were born in or lived in Israel for a period of timel, could they answer some questions I need for a school project on the Arab-Israel Conflict.


If their are any question you dont want to answer, feel free to leave them out.


How long have you lived in Israel? If u left Israel, please elaborate


What is it like living in Israel? Please elaborate


Did you do any military service? If so, please elaborate


Do you think that the road blocks are unnecessary, and do you want them removed?


Do you see a peace anytime soon? Please elaborate



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This really has no bearing whatsoever on Pyrotechnics or Chemistry, although I understand your wanting to get feedback from people you "know" via the site. We do seem to have a much higher "Forum IQ" than many sites of all types.


I won't lock or delete this, as long as it stays STRICTLY on-topic, but can't say whether another Admin won't do so.


But if any geopolitical and/or religious arguments break out, I'll dump it in an instant, just to forewarn anyone who may choose to reply.



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