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3" shell entry.


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I agree, nice shell.


What did you use for the cores in the dragon eggs? Very good quality sound on your camera, it really captures the moment. :D

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Yeah I like my new camera. Feels good to flaunt it. I like Canon's line alot.


Draco_Aster When it comes to rolling stars, I use whatever I can find whether it be pepper seeds, or lead shot.

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I realize the shell broke on edge toward the camera, but that's a pretty small break for a 3" shell.


What size were your stars, and what did you use for burst?

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I use 1g of flash, and considering the height that my 3" shells achieve, it isn't too bad of a break. I do purposely make TT smaller though. The camera doesn't pick up the sparks that last a long time and come near the ground. I can't keep this from happening no matter what I try. I'll just have to keep working with my TT comp/carbon I use.
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I use 1g of flash, and considering the height that my 3" shells achieve, it isn't too bad of a break. I do purposely make TT smaller though. The camera doesn't pick up the sparks that last a long time and come near the ground. I can't keep this from happening no matter what I try. I'll just have to keep working with my TT comp/carbon I use.

never the less its good ^_^

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Thanks. You will probably like the third one I just put up.
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In my 3" spherical RAP shells, I use a 2 g flash bag, and puffed rice/BP around that again for burst. The break is really good. The fuse is timed to go off after 3 seconds, at the apex. I am horrible at measuring heights by eye, so I have no idea how high it goes. I know I can test it, but don't really need to.


D1 glitter spherical - Nice break


For TT stars, there are a few things that are important:


- Ball mill the composition for a few hours (if you cannot do this, AT LEAST use very fine chems)


- DO NOT use much water when wetting (Pumped or rolled stars are easiest, with cut it is hard to get good stars with that little water)


- Dry them slowly, so they don't get driven in (especially if using SGRS).


If you get all these right, I can see no reason why your TT stars should not perform nicely with small, soft sparks. Here is a vid of a TT to FISH glitter shell I made (broke too low):


3" spherical TT to FISH

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Thanks alot for the tips Rooster. When I roll TT, they don't perform well. I think that it may have been the C, because it was my first shot at using C other than pine, which I happened to roll. I'll make a batch soon and try it. My cut TT get quite a bit of water, and they have beautiful tails, but with a few left over particles burning. Probably ball milling the KNO3 and C together will work wonders. :ph34r:
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I just ball mill the whole TT composition altogether. Makes beautiful tails. A mortar and pestle will not do the job in practice. In theory, yes, but who will actually sit by the mortar and pestle for many hours?


justanotherpyro, I assume you are using dextrin to bind your TT stars? You should use 5-10% alcohol to break the surface tension of the water. Other than that, wet the stars as little as possible, as mentioned.

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Yes I use dextrin and 10% alcohol to break the surface tension. High carbon content stars definately are hard to wet.
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