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Electrolysis Power Supplies


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Hello friends, today I bring you a wonderful story about the building process of my, as the topic suggests, power supply. One could also note that it is; cheap, ugly, and disfunctional. The disfunctionallity is mainly due to the fact that all of the wires, and solderings, are everywhere outside the case, and exessive amounts of electical tape have been employed until I can shove it all back in the case.


Computer supplies are said to be good because they provide high current at lowish voltages, IIRC. This is ideal for interesting electrolysis expirements, and productions.


I used this page:



Pictures will be posted, when I find the camera, which is, hopefully, in the same house now.


You should also note, that you need a fairly heavy resistor to keep it going, or else it tends to turn off.


I also fried one when a friend placed steel wool between the ground and 12 volt leads, and turned it on. It toasted the whole lot, and a rather nice explosion from the supply itself resulted. Another was lost when KCl/K2Cr2O7 KClO3 producing electrolyte was spilt on it in a trial run. Total amount of money lost: 0$.


The powersupplies are everywhere, and if you dont have the right resistor around, you can get them for 50 cents a piece, conservatively.


No more fucking with batteries for any type of electrolysis. Car chargers are also said to work well, though I have not tried one, personally.

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Gotta love free powersupplies from 'dumpster' diving I got 7 of them ranging from 200-400W. One has 35A on the 5v line. I used the same link as Swany for my modifications, works great.


I have used bettery chargers, but the one I used only had 2A.

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you shuld note that computer power supplies do not like when you are trying to change their voltage and corrent so i gess for electrolis they will be OK but as labaratory power supplies they do feet ... and you shuld use only the out put voltage that means: 5V 3.3V 12V.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hey, I use a car battery charger for electrolysis to make rust. It works pretty good, but it's a bitch to get the rust out (Filtering it and such) what other experiments can you do with these? I've only heard of the rust one.
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Copper oxide through the same process. But instead of using Iron you use copper plates (kind of obvious). Then just pour the water and oxide sludge in a pan and boil the water off. Then heat the redish brown powder until its black and wallah, copper oxide! You can also make hydrogen and oxygen through electrolysis..
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