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Fires and stuff


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Has anyone attually evr caused a fire by accident when say a star fell into a tree or a rocket got stuck in a bush?
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I accidentally caused a fire by throwing a lighter in a garbage container. (The lighter wasn't totally empty, so when I threw it in, it burst, and set the container on fire)
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Lol sounds abit unlucky once i had abit of dud blackmatch put it out ( i left it on the side for ten mins while i did something else and i came back put it in my pocket and when i was upstiars my leg was getting really hot and i pulled it and it was burnning slowly in my pocket wht an idiot i am but it did look like it was out.
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Back in my earlier days I made a starmine with my then crappy BP. Most of the stars hit the ground while still burning and started a minor grass fire, but it was easily stomped out.
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I caught a field on fire once by a bottle rocket. They were old rockets that you get for free at fireworks tents. When I lit one it went up and came back down in the field and then the salute went off. It caused a small fire and I didn't notice it. I eventually I did notice but when I did it had made a nice 10 foot ring of fire and by the time I put it out it grew to about 20 feet. I was done with fireworks that day.
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I have seen a few fires caused by rockets catoing at my club. Usual act as an LCO, so I push the button to launch them. Just last month we had a J cato and have about a pound of APCP burning on the sod. We have 5 fire extinguishers (this number was a joke at me, my negative-x incident happened at the club,) so I put it out easily.
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Closest thing to starting a fire was when I lit a 3-4g flash polumna...i guess a piece of the burning paper traveled a distance and ignited some dry grass....before i knew it there was a 15foot ring of fire off the path in the woods luckily my friends were there with their quads and were able to burnout/spray dirt all over the fire so we could then stomp out the little patches...
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Had a minor fire that I extinguished with my brother. We were shooting them horizontal over a pond, trying to time the report just over the water. A few overshot, and made a nice grassfire that we put out with my face. Err, foot. Got pretty warm and melted my shoes nicely.
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I had one small fire.... It was cool though. I had buried a large salute and when I lit the fuse the dry grass around it caught fire!! It was going pretty good but we couldn't go near it because the salute was about to go off!! Well when the salute went off.....the fire went out!! I had heard of them using dynamite to extinguish forest fires but never seen it in action! Pretty funny....
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actually i was on this huge grass field by my house and a rocket malfunctioned and went int the dry grass..i caught the whole hillside on fire and there were a few fire co.s there to put it out..i just ran..lol
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I had one of these cheap rockets i brought back from france to muck about with when i was younger fly across and landed in my neighbors tree then blew up. Also me and my friend made a rocket but the holder made the rocket stand get stuck it fly hozitenal right into my firneds neighbors house and blew up! (luckly they weren't in)

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ya mine didnt blow up it just shot out alot of flames and it was took quick to even put it out..it spreaded like a wildfire..i just booked it..rofl


EDIT and the year after that my friend caught it on fire again with a cig..poor hill.. ^_^

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Just had a grass fire about two hours ago. I went with two friends out to a feild after it rained slightly to test a sugar rocket thinking it was damp enough out that there would be no risk of fire. So we stop and light the fuse, only for the rocket to go up about two feet and land, still burning, into brown grass.


We stomped out the fire and everything is o.k. but it was still scary. I can't wait for green fire resistant grass.

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A friend and I had a complete failure with a UN det, and the cap just blew the fuse a few feet away. It was the middle of the summer, and the grass in the foothills was extremely dry. It only took a few seconds before it was in a circle of about 5 feet in diameter. I don't know how in the hell we managed to put it out, but 2 scorched shirts later, we were able to walk away without any serious burns. We could barely walk from the adrenaline rush though.
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Yeah, just recently let a stinger go. It landed in a bush and started a small fire. I managed to put it out quite quickly though. The reason why it caught the bush on fire was because I always finish off my stingers with a magnesium and Strontium red star composition. The red was still burning when it hit the deck.


Also made a rocket last year with a very heavy payload. It went about 30 foot in the air and then in an arc came down on some dry grass... The red stars burned the grass but I was there to put it out...

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Today, in chemistry class, I filled a condom with propane gas, and let it loose near some smokers. They popped it with a cigarette, and there was a giant fireball, and lots of screaming. Lol. Three of those guys lost their eyebrows.
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Back when I was 12 or so my mate and I were in a vacent block of land with 3ft high dry grass and shurb in between to other houses hiding there trying to fill his new zippo up with kerosene :lol: we haddent heard of zippo lighter fluid back then. Whilst filling we managed to spill quite alot of kero and sooner or later we got the lighter lit and did what young boys do best and started burning sticks and such which was fine until we threw one away it caught the kero soaked grass. We managed to put it out quickly by ripping a sheet of galvanised iron off a delapedated wall and smothering it.

Anyone else noting the lack of grammer and such.

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  • 4 months later...
Has any attually had a problem with stars falling in trees? When we set off some starmines they are ussally about 10-15 meters from one tree and this always gets me abit worried. But i mean the problem is even if a fire did start theres no way of putting it out, which would be highly unamusing and probably get us banned from pyro.
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I had a parachute flare go way off course last Nov5th. It ended up flying horizontally and deposited the flare in a large poplar tree. I was expecting the whole row to catch fire, but thankfully when it burnt out, there was no residual fire - we walked up to the tree to double check... I would be ALOT more careful in the heatwave conditions at present. No shooting near dry corn fields!
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I had a parachute flare go way off course last Nov5th. It ended up flying horizontally and deposited the flare in a large poplar tree. I was expecting the whole row to catch fire, but thankfully when it burnt out, there was no residual fire - we walked up to the tree to double check... I would be ALOT more careful in the heatwave conditions at present. No shooting near dry corn fields!

I agree, forest or field fires can be nasty, especially during the summer. Last shoot i almost started one, when the mortar fires it throws out glowing pieces of match for the quickmatch leader and this can lead to nasty surprises especially if it falls down on some dry hay. I was stomping like crazy on the little glowing pieces to make sure they were out. Now i'm considering in getting a nice little fire extinguisher (sp?)


Summer trully is a nasty time to be shooting fireworks, especially if you live in a dry country.

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I'm in the south east USA and its in the 80's and 90's F, pretty hot, but everything is super dry. When the plants get this dry they actually release small amounts of flammable gasses, I believe mainly methane gas. It makes them even easier to set fire.


I had an aerial shell malfuntion and go into a dry field full of hay. Bad time. I was extremely lucky that my water hose reached that far. There was no way I could put it out by stomping it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The worst i've ever had had nothing to do with pyro really. me and my mate found an old crappy butane lighter in a bush in the park (filled with dried grass, leaves and twigs) so as kids do we flicked the cog for the hell of it, when it wont go out we were trying to stamp it out on the ground, just then a coupla people camp round the bush-so we absolutely leg for fear of getting busted. when we were on our way back to the bush to check it out there was a fire engine and police!

...we didnt get caught!

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I had a small fire start last spring break as a result of negligence. I was rolling a batch of stars using a green star formula that was new to me. The stars were nearly done when I had to leave to attend a family function. Soooo left them in the stainless steel bowl I had been using to roll them and placed them outside . . . right next to a finished 2" shell. To make the story short, the stars somehow self-ignited, sputtered over the top of the bowl and ignited the shell. My father had just come in to hear what he thought was a shotgun along with burning red matter being thrown into the air in every direction. Managed to start a brush fire about 20 ft. across in the space between two homes. My father was luckily there to put it out. Moral of the story: Never put finished devices near drying stars :o !
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