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Storing Chemicals.


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I am a newbie just getting into mixing comps. I have a bunch of chemicals coming. I have a dry area away from any structures to store them. My Question concerns having multiple chemicals stored in the same area. Are there any that should not be stored in the same vicinity as another. Each will be in a seperate tub marked and sealed.


airfloat charcoal, aluminum powder, falling leaves fuse, visco fuse, crackling fuse, flying fish fuse, potassium chlorate, sulfer, redgum, potassium percholate, potassium nitrate, magnesium powder, titanium flakes,


this is my starting Lineup.

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As for a good container... Target sometimes has a product line similar to this: http://www.stacksandstacks.com/image/10896.JPG Except there is a rubber gasket between the lid and container and there are 4 folding lock down flaps, one on each side. I recently got about 8 of them in various sizes... They are great for storing hygroscopic chems and the rubber gasket is good because there is less of a chance to ignite compositions from friction. I originally got referred to this kind of container by 2 rocketeers (Bill and Randy) at the PGI convention.


They also referred me to their strange mint/nut/cranberry snack mix... which is kinda addicting... i should probably go to the store and buy some stuff to make some...


I generally try to store any live compositions like BP, mixed up star compositions (unless they have alot of fine metals), priming BP, etc with fuse away from things... then i also store completed shells and stuff away from other things... and then i try to separate fuels (metals, organics, and sulfur) and oxidizers. I suppose i generally put things like barium carbonate, strontium carbonate, etc physicly between fuels and oxidizers...


Its imperative that you store all live compositions and devices so that sparks can not reach them... This is doubly important when you live with others who randomly use grinding wheels and such...

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I use a one of those things mentioned by Bob for my KNO3. I also use some jars they're good and some gladware stuff. For my fireworks, I carry/store them in a cheap cooler. Its fire retardant so it should be fine.
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