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Help whit chlorate


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hello everyone. I'm new here, and I've been looking for an old chlorate powder formula. Before you think I'm an idiot, I'll tell you that I have a professor in chemistry, and a degree in physics. And why would a chemistry professor ask that question? ...because it's faster to ask than to search my memories. For many years, like you, I was "playing" with gunpowder of all kinds. As oxidants it used many nitrates (due to color), chlorates, perchlorates and permanganate. I remember that the most complicated color was purple. I seem to remember that with potassium, strontium and copper salts. I did a lot of flash variables with nitrates, chlorates, perchlorates and permanganate. And I could talk to you all day about chemical reactions, stoichiometry equations, and physics in grinding, or methods for obtaining KNO3 of molecular size and its extraction in a humid medium. But I just want to know a formula lost in my brain. I seem to remember that my base formula started at 50/35/15. But I'm not sure. Can someone tell me? I know that all chlorate mixtures are dangerous and unstable. Especially if there is presence of sulfur or powdered metals. But they are not much more unstable than flash mixtures of perchlorate or permanganate. Sorry for the English. It is an online translation
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