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Hate to use up a post for this but its been bugging me.... Who the heck is Harry C????!?!?!? Sorry if I'm showing my ignorance here but I have no idea who that is....the way you guys talk like I should just automatically know who this is...


So...who is Harry C??

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He did answer my question. Progress!


Harry is an older member of the pyro community on rec.pyro. He's retired and enjoys talking on rec.pyro a lot. Usually every topic has atleast one post from Harry in it. He also has a habbit of getting into arguments/flaming newbs.


My thoughts on him are still mostly reserved, as I do for people until I've met them face to face.

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Hate to use up a post for this but its been bugging me.... Who the heck is Harry C????!?!?!? Sorry if I'm showing my ignorance here but I have no idea who that is....the way you guys talk like I should just automatically know who this is...


So...who is Harry C??

He is a very experienced, but rather curmudgeonly gent who has a good 50 years experience in pyro, shot professionally for many years, knew and worked with old time Sicilian firework manufacturers, and has no patience for either stupid people, or people who 'screw with the art' basically. He would be awesome to learn from though. I guess he is set in his ways, but then again, his ways have worked for him for a long time in this field so there's something to be said for it.


He's been posting about pyro on the internet since about the time there was an internet. He also seems to have a copy of every major legitinate text there is on the subject LOL... and loves to quote them at you.


Kilo_G, you've gotta get your pic taken with him and then send me a copy, ok ?


Speaking of old pro pyro's, I've been working with a fellow lately who owns a professional display company for about 40 years now. This Saturday is my first actual shoot, so far it's all been in the shop assembling cakes, pulling inventory from the magazines, and listening. Looking forward to it ! 4 more after that and I can take the state test for a license.

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Kilo_G, you've gotta get your pic taken with him and then send me a copy, ok ?

LOL you want to put a face to the words too huh? I doubt Harry would "OK" that.

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I already heard he looks like a taller, thinnner Col. Sanders from KFC. Just do it without telling him. I am sure he would love you for it.
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Copied from a post at SMDB. I don't want to re-write it:


Today I was sitting in my 'advanced physical science class' and was ignoring the watered down lecture about acids and bases (reading some organic book, good stuff), and the discussion turns to reaction rate.


Teacher: Now, some things react so fast you cant even control them, oxidisers are like this, they have oxygen to give and they are very explosive and dangerous, if you ordered some of this, you would get a knock on your door cause they'd think you were a terrorist.


Me: quickly pops heart medication to keep my heart from exploding and.... yeah.


Class: everyone looks at Swany, at least everyone who knows what Swany does in his free time, and that is a badly kept secret.


Well, I tried to look innocent, then a friend of mine said,"Swany has at least 50 pounds of oxidisers in his shed, and he hasn't been arrested yet." The teacher turns (he is a guy, stupid, and he hates me. The feeling is very mutual, as he rejected my request to go into general chemistry WITHOUT talking to me, or even thinking about it, his explination: I have never had a student who knew any chemistry, and I doubt it will change) and says Swany, I don't know about all these stories but you better watch out. Mumble grumble gubfeuahaaa I like young girls. Ok, the latter part was made up. But the former parts are totally true.


I explain that I am not going to be arrested, because oxidisers don't kill people, high explosives do. He counters with the 'fertilizer bombs', I counter with, you have no clue what your talking about. He just stared at me, (everone is quiet.. duh dun dun duhnnnn) and eventually continued with the lecture, I buried my head in the book, and all continued.


Well, that is basically the feeling. Sheer lack of knowlage, and stupidity. The teacher is exeptionally dumb.


Though, another teacher put KClO3/Sugar in a TEST TUBE, and HELD IT OVER A BURNER, WITH THE CLASS GATHERED AROUND!!! It exploded. He got glass dug out of his chest, and I dont know what else. This was a while back, but the teacher was a complete retard as well. Different teachers, mind you.


In closing, in the past 3 years I have had 3 science teachers. 2 of them dont like me, the other thinks I am a very interesting person. Incidentally, the one who liked me had be before my chemistry addiction. The one I had the KClO3 discussion with is the head science person over here, so I have friends in relitively high places. Too bad we have so many retards....


And what this has to do with the chemistry forbidding? The oxidiser story basically. The rest is an angry and, chances are, very crude rant.


I feel better now.


When another science teacher (the cool one) asked where I got KClO3, as even the school had a hard time getting it, I smiled and said I have suppliers. She said I sounded like I was talking about drugs, I concluded that KClO3 for purchase may be about as rare as cocaine in a year or three.

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In closing, in the past 3 years I have had 3 science teachers. 2 of them dont like me, the other thinks I am a very interesting person. Incidentally, the one who liked me had be before my chemistry addiction. The one I had the KClO3 discussion with is the head science person over here, so I have friends in relitively high places. Too bad we have so many retards....

My most memorable science teacher was in Junior High, 8th grade science. The most memorable thing was how she dumped a beaker of dilute nitric acid on herself in class and made her nylons vanish !


The front of her dress was on it it's way out as she ran from the room. Too bad she was in such a hurry, she was fairly hot.

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Ah haha... that is mildly amusing. Oooh I forgot to mention what my teacher said about bases and acids! Basically that NaOH will eat through you, and its in draino... about HNO3, he basically went on a rant about how dangerous it is, 'It'll turn your skin yellow'. And how H2SO4 will eat through your shirt, well, yeah I can attest to all of them happening, as all of those have happened to me. But, compared to H2SO5, or NCl3, or Mn2O7, those chemicals are so pale looking in comparison, I have to laugh.


Everyone else remebers my picric acid stains, and my holey H2SO4 shirts, and they rather enjoyed the lecture. When they weren't sleeping.

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My 8th grade science teacher lit different coloring agents with a propane torch. I'm not sure what he had but there was red (strontium carbonate?), blue (Copper oxide?), green (barium carbonate?) and yellow (???). Doesn't really matter but the colors were really cool. And he also lit a foot of Magnesium Ribbon which was was very bright!
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I had a teacher like you described. Unluckily enough for him, I am smarter than him. He was a dumbass and didn't know what was going on. It was honors physics for a quarter my senior year in high school. My real teacher was off having a baby. I swear this guy was registered to teach gym, a subject his intellect could maybe handle. All he did was talk about how he used to play football, and how he was fat and had a receding hair line. Anyway, long story short, he didn't like me because I tore his first test apart. Not only did I ace it, I showed him how half of the questions were wrong. After this he kept trying to catch me sleeping and ask me something super hard. Even when he did I shot back an answer that was flawless. After a few days of this, I got pissed off he was interupting my sleep to have me make him look like a fool. I decided to one up him. I made it my goal to correct him twice a day, everyday. I am happpy to say I succeeded. He eventually got even more pissed, and tried to be nice to me. This didn't work either, so I just continued to correct him. He held me after class several times, but nothing he tried worked. Eventually he left, and left a really bad report with my real teacher. He said I was interupting the class and being disrespectful. The how class explained how he was a moron and stuck up for me. I must say, it was awesome.
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Yeah, same shit happened to this guy, and I dont even try to correct him because I have been kicked out enough, so I just sit front center and read my o-chem books or whatever and he doesn't say jack shit. He is a nutcase... if I get bored I may list his quirks. Basically if your a girl, you are favored to the extreme. It makes me feel like a small black kid in Montgomery in about '62. It's not even really funny, but the whole class is convinced im psycho. I think they like me.
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I can attest to the MnO7. I hate that stuff. Spilling something on your shirt and then trying to wipe it off with TP whilst its all catching on fire really sucks.


I love the chem. teacher at my school. He is cool and is a good person to have a discussion with. Especially about nuclear power. We get to make fire works here pretty soon for a whole week of classes. Its funny because other people are trying to get a smoke bomb to work and are thrilled when they do. Stuff I did when I was 12.

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Ahh yes, the old dumb teacher, smart kid reaction. Heh, I've always been like that too. Last year in eith grade "advanced" science, the teacher wa labled as the biggest bitch in the school. I'm fairly good at slowly eating away at people until I can do whatever I want.


I payed attention for the first month and pretended to care, al the while showing her that I was the smart one. Then she insisted that sodium was a gas. I am now saying, " You're wrong, Na is a metal, a solid at room temp, and an alkali metal." She was a little pissed, looked it up and said" you're right, 20extra credit points." I proved I knew more than her, proceded to fall asleep every day, and wasn't bugged about it. She would however stump the class, call on everyone, then yell my name. I would grumble because she woke me. She would ask, I gave her a flawless answer, and then went back to sleep.


The lowest grade I had in the class was a 107% B) Life was good.

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Correcting teachers is always fun - especially when they argue it out infromt of the class only to have to eventually admit defeat!


I was the oldest kid in my year, so I had to go through this kind of thing in most subjects. It was particularly bad in Science and music, and to top it off, I managed to get somewhat of a reputation for being a pyro-obsessed stoner (no idea why :D)


Some asians decided to set fire to a block of the school. The next day, I was pulled into the principals office, interrogated for >3hrs, and nearly arrested, despite the fact that at the time of the fire, I was officially signed out of the campus for a music exam. What really riles me up about this is when they found out who was to blame they did nothing. Not a FUCKING THING! Bastards.


It wasn't long before I was expelled, which wasn't such a bad thing as I effectively got a 3 month holiday, and got to sit my all exams in a really good school.

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I'm sick as a dog right now, and this is 2 days before my English FCE exams, halfof my class is coughing like crazy and those bastards don't even bother to put their hand infron of their mouth (Some of the atleast, but it only takes one to give you something). Anyway, i've got a soar throat my head is going to explode and i generally feel like shit. I probobly take 20pills a day and nothing helps. Damn!!!
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Hahaha!!!!!!!! And so it has spread to another country. No one really notices these small epademics when you don't die. This one has spread from the southwest of the USA all the way to you in Slovania, if I spelt it right.


I have the same cold and it sucks chef's big chocolate, salty balls! The pills do nothing! Sleep is what is needed and I barely get 7 hours a day ( usually 6 ish.) DAMN!!!!!!!!

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Well, it's a virus. It is expected the pills do nothing. Even the flu shots don't do shit. All they do is protect you from the strain of flu in the years past.
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KBK- Who shut it down? The government (a.k.a. CPSC)?


Edit: I see it got hacked "Simiens Crew ownz u admin"

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That sucks that your site got hacked.


And I fucking HATE people that ask to buy "bombs" off me, ffs! They all think that just because I make a few salutes, some star mines ect. that I will make something to kill people with! :@

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I am really irritated at the Ignorance of People around here, they think blood is blue in your body, if you carry a lighter you are aa smoker or a Pyromaniac, and that I build bombs of all things! Actually only a few kids know I build anything pyrotechnical. I think one of my cousins ratted me out, because I didn't tell anyone and then some kid walks up and says, what do you do after school, I told her I go home and read books (chemistry WOOT!!!) and she says, NO YOU DON'T, YOU GO HOME AND BLOW MAIL BOXES UP WITH HUGE@$$ BOMBS!!!!! I simply replied that I Do NOT under any circumstances make bombs, because Bomba are illegal, and defined as weapons of destruction. the worst part of all is, she was a popular girl, who can't keep her mouth shut... Du-Ma-Nhieu! (doom on you, Richard Marcinko style, vietnamese meaning, ofcourse) now a whole bunch of kids ask me to bring em NG, or a pipe bomb, or C4, or a fertilizer bomb. one of em asked me what I use to make my bombs, I said NaHCO3, he hasn't said a word since. I have only blown up sensible things, like rocks and trees and snow.... Oh and Witness plates. I kinda wish I knew which of my cousins it was... I have a hunch but No proof. Oh another thing is, a few people who ride my bus, have heard a few "noises" from over my way, that means some of my HE and flash salutes can be heard for like 4 miles. But his dad owns a rock pit and Uses blasting charges all the time.


Fine, technically speaking I have made a few "bombs" but I blew up MY property and no one elses! Flame me if ya want, I dont care, it was mine!

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The only thing slightly worse than having somebody with a big mouth who keeps saying you make bombs. Is an annoying person who follows you around pretending he makes bombs with you. i feel for you ruuuun.
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Simiens Crew seems to be mildly famous. Somewhat of a dubious honor.


"The Simiens crew are a notorious gang of Portugese script kiddies who usually enter servers through an unpatched vulnerability in awstats."


The kewls of computer science...

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