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How to extracting aluminum powder from flash powder??


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Hello pyros, Today I got a firecracker from buying online and I opened the shell and I found the flash powder. I don't have any aluminum powder at the moment so I would like to ask how to extracting aluminum powder from flash powder?


I apologize if I used the wrong terminology.😅

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Aluminium powder extremely fine and it combines very well with oxidizers and its almost impossible to extract it from oxidizer.

Flash powder is extremely sensitive too attempting any methods to extract would creat serious problem.

You still dont know what oxidizers has used in it.

Its better idea to purchase new aluminium than what are you thinking about.

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11 hours ago, Dragon99 said:

Hello pyros, Today I got a firecracker from buying online and I opened the shell and I found the flash powder. I don't have any aluminum powder at the moment so I would like to ask how to extracting aluminum powder from flash powder?



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You have no idea what the flash mixture is, you have no proof that there is any aluminium in there (but it's possible). You now have an open pile of one of the really dangerous pyro mixtures, get rid of it before it gets rid of you.

Messing with flash is the easiest and fastest way to get out of this hobby (in a box). 

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Remember that there are probably more than 50 "flash powder" formulations. All are powerful, some are more sensitive than others, some more or less susceptible to moisture/static electricity etc. They may or may not contain aluminium, or perchlorate, or chlorates or nitrates even zirconium has been used. Old designs may well have used chlorate and sulphur amongst other ingredients.

The safest way to deal with old comps and old fireworks is to fire them at huge safety distances.

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There is a lot of trolls on the site that post once and never ever respond to the comments. Bizarre questions ( like a 10y old should ask) , who would even try to extract powdered metal from a supposed flash comp?? 

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