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Problem with NaCLO3 from KCLO3


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Can anyone help me? I have problem with my homemade NaCLO3 i use KCLO3 16g and NaCLO3 16g (1:1) and mixed with water then boil it and i got NaCLO3 and mix NaCLO3 with suga then burn it but the mixture doesn't burn. It like my NaCLO3 not oxidizer.

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First of all, the correct formula for sodium chlorate is NaClO3 (no capital L in chlorine!)

Describe what you did again because it doesn’t make sense.

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  • 2 months later...

Can’t produce naclo3 from kclo3 . You can go from sodium chlorate salts mixed with kcl salt and precipitate the kclo3 , can’t go the other direction with kclo3 to a sodium salt . Solubility prohibits this reaction . 

Please clarify your description and check your posting for spelling 

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Sodium Chlorate is made, then other salts are made from that, because that works. Potassium Chlorate will not form sodium chlorate bay any means.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wonder WHY?? I get making fuming Nitric from Potassium Nitrate/ Sulfuric , Anhydrous Acetone with Mag Sulfate...why not just buy straight up potassium chlorate / permanganate  /per chlor/ the crew stuff... AND get some Sulphur that litmus's out non acidic way...Do what ya do... Be safe....

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