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Whistle Motor Construction (and some other questions)


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So far I've had pretty good results with BP motors...4oz core burner with 60:30:10-ish comp; 4oz end  burner hot ballmilled BP; 1 pound hybrid with hot BP.

Next up I think I want to try whistle (strobe will be last if ever as I hear it can be difficult to dial in, avoid CATO, etc...)

First simple question - I have whistle tooling (4oz.)  Do I need to press a nozzle for a whistle motor with whistle tooling?

I also have 3/4" 1# hybrid tooling I believe can make whistle motors, but again would it need a nozzle?  Would the comp need any adjustments due to tooling not being "true" whistle tooling?  I figure I'd start with a potassium benzoate comp as I've made it before into a whistling-pete fountain, and it was very loud!

(and an aside...end burner vs core-burner.  all things being optimized for each construction (hottest comp core-burn can take w/o popping; 75-15-10 ball-milled BP with eastern red cedar charcoal.  Which rocket flies higher?  end-burner or core-burner?)  Thanks!

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Whistle is extremely powderful and sensitive mixture.

You must not even screen it with sieve you will need paraffin oil/ mineral oil to reduce its sensitivity while mixing and pressing.

Also needs personal protective screen or remote press to press whistle.

And whistle needs no nozzle at all.....it is nozzleless..

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