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Chemistry & Experiments File - The Chlorates And Perchlorates Full website


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The Chlorates And Perchlorates Full website

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There are various ways to manufacture the Chlorates and Perchlorates, the most usual being electrolysis.The key component is the Anode. Useful Anodes for making Chlorate and Perchlorate are Platinum and Lead Dioxide. Anodes that make Chlorate ONLY are Graphite, Mixed Metal Oxide (MMO), Magnetite, Manganese Dioxide and possibly Cobalt Oxide.Electrolysis consists of passing a DC electric current between an Anode (+) and a Cathode (-) in a water solution of the starting salt. Various Oxidation reactions take place at the surface of the Anode. Various Reduction reactions take place at the Cathode. In a Chlorate cell some reactions also take place in the bulk of the solution, the end result being a range of substances plus your desired Chlorate or Perchlorate which must be separated out and purified.There is a huge amount of information in Patents, books and the scientific literature describing both Chlorate and Perchlorate cells and processes used to make Anodes that may be viable for the Amateur. Most of this information is not geared toward the Amateur and very often deals with aspects of the process which are not of immediate interest to the Amateur but are very important to large scale manufacturers or the scientist, eg. power efficiency, Tefal plots, possible/actual reaction mechanisms etc.The biggest hurdle for the Amateur is obtaining an Anode which is cheap, easy to obtain, and long lasting. This web page describes ways to obtain Anodes and how to use them in the manufacture of Chlorates and Perchlorates.


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The content can also be downloaded from here. Pages and content that have been gone should be restored to the original browserable form.


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Perhaps I’ll make you a paprikas for this ;)

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  • 2 months later...

In the chlorates.exrockets.com site The Chlorates And Perchlorates site are outdated. Missing many important files and documents and description on the pages.That page are a copy of an older outdated version of the original site.  Example some important descriptions from the Ti Substrate Lead Dioxide Anode. However, they can be found in this zip file. These descriptions are important for those who make lead dioxide anodes. If anyone wants to restore the original page with full content in this zip file the full original page contains all the with latest released content from the original site which I see has since been are down.


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  • 3 months later...

The full updated  version is here.


You can only download this one before it deletes itself.

Could someone pass it on to Kevin (or anyone else that is willing to host it), if Kevin does not get there first.



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On 9/1/2024 at 5:09 PM, eb666 said:

The full updated  version is here.


You can only download this one before it deletes itself.

Could someone pass it on to Kevin (or anyone else that is willing to host it), if Kevin does not get there first.



The .zip file I uploaded is from the original full page, which no longer exists. It contains all important documents and descriptions, such as the detailed preparation of the lead dioxide anode with results and much more. However, what is on the Internet the (exorockets site), is an outdated copy, which lacks a lot of very important information. If someone compares the two you will see.

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