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Sugar + kno3 composition


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Hello i recently bought a firecracker called feza torpil i extracted the powder and it was white then i directed a lighter at it before it puffed i saw a black melted thing in it and i guess it was sugar !! I think it was ball milled for a long time so if i do the same thing and ball mill kno3 + sugar in low amounts would it be fast burning and can i make a firecracker with it ?


Also would i be safe ball milling low amounts of this mixture (10 grams ) in my balcony under my super vision ?

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  • 1 month later...

It was probably whistle mix not KNO3 and sugar. 

Whistle mix is in the same realm as flash. 

DO NOT BALL MILL compositions other than BP as directed. That's an accident waiting to happen. 

Edited by countryboy7978
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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

The properties that make KNO3/sugar composition so good for rocket engines is exactly what makes it so horrible for firecrackers/explosive, namely it burns too slow to explode but fast enough to be a good propellant. Properly made black powder should make decent firecrackers and if you want some sparkle you can add a small amount (2-4%) of titanium or aluminum powder (bright flake or fine spherical would be best). Add the metal AFTER ball milling. It is VERY unsafe to mill metal powders in a composition.

Another thing I forgot to mention, ball milling a sugar compound would more than likely end up stuck to the sides of your mill container in a sticky mess! Unless you have less than 10% relative humidity (sugar is hygroscopic) I wouldn't even attempt it




Edited by MadMat
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