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Pyroblume Colored Nitrate Stars


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Colored Nitrate Stars

Name of composition: Sr(NO3)2 Red Star/Ba(NO3)2 Green Star/Ba(NO3)2 - Sr(NO3)2 Yellow Star/Ba(NO3)2 - Sr(NO3)2 Orange Star/NaNO3 Yellow Star/Sr(NO3)2 - NaNO3 Orange Star/Sr(NO3)2 - CuO Magenta Star

Composition Type: Color star

Creator: Pyroblume

Color/Effect: Red/Green/Optical Yellow/Optical Orange/Yellow/Orange/Magenta

The Composition: (by weight)


Sr(NO3)2 Red Star

Strontium nitrate....................58%

Magnalium (45μm).................17%


Red gum...................................7%



Ba(NO3)2 Green Star

Barium nitrate.......................58%

Magnalium (45μm)...............17%


Red gum.................................7%



Ba(NO3)2 - Sr(NO3)2 Yellow Star

Barium nitrate……………….....40%

Strontium nitrate.................18%

Magnalium (45μm)..............17%


Red gum.................................7%



Ba(NO3)2 - Sr(NO3)2 Orange Star

Barium nitrate…………………..26%

Strontium nitrate................32%

Magnalium (45μm)..............17%


Red gum................................7%



NaNO3 Yellow Star

Sodium nitrate................... 58%

Magnalium (45μm)..............17%


Red gum................................7%



Sr(NO3)2 - NaNO3 Orange Star

Strontium nitrate……………..43%

Sodium nitrate....................15%

Magnalium (45μm).............17%


Red gum...............................7%



Sr(NO3)2 - CuO Magenta Star

Strontium nitrate................48%

Copper(II) oxide………………..10%

Magnalium (45μm)..............17%


Red gum.................................7%



Any Precautions/Incompatabilities: Barium nitrate and copper(II) oxide are toxic, it should only be worked with gloves and a mask.

Precedure/Preparation: This composition, can be moistened with alcohol or water and requires a prime. 

Comments: The yellow can only be used to a limited extent, as it burns darker than the other colors and is less likely to ignite. It should also be kept in mind that strontium nitrate is a bit hygroscopic and sodium nitrate is very hygroscopic.


Sr(NO3)2 Red Star: Sr(NO3)2 Roter Stern (youtube.com)

Ba(NO3)2 Green Star: Ba(NO3)2 Grüner Stern (youtube.com)

Ba(NO3)2 - Sr(NO3)2 Yellow Star: Ba(NO3)2 - Sr(NO3)2 Gelber Stern (youtube.com)

Ba(NO3)2 - Sr(NO3)2 Orange Star: Ba(NO3)2 - Sr(NO3)2 Orangener Stern (youtube.com)

NaNO3 Yellow Star: NaNO3 Gelber Stern (youtube.com)

Sr(NO3)2 - NaNO3 Orange Star: Sr(NO3)2 - NaNO3 Orangener Stern (youtube.com)

Sr(NO3)2 - CuO Magenta Star: Sr(NO3)2 - CuO Magenta Stern (youtube.com)

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Excellent work on creating custom compositions without (per)chlorates!

Edited by GoldenStars
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I appreciate your work and effort you have taken developing these formulation, but still it needs colour saturations/ purity to increase a bit more.

Red turns more to orange side

Strontium /barium nitrate orange turns yellowish than orange and magenta is not pure and washed out.

Strontium and sodium nitrate orange is good looking.

Thank you for posting these formulas.

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Hola compañero,espero que no te moleste que te escriba en español. Parece que aquí algunos compañeros pirotécnicos solo quieren que la gente hable inglés y me discriminan por mi idioma. Sabes que te sigo en Youtube desde hace 2 años y para mí eres un fenómeno,me has ayudado a desarrollar colores con nitrato de potasio y ahora me he adventurado a crear colores con Nitrato de sodio y de bario. Un saludo compañero y sigue así de bien.

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Hello friend..!!

This is pyrotechnic forum based on English Language you must not post anything here in your native language.

Nobody wants to translate and reply.

Hope from now onwards every post may be posted in English only.


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Publico en español porque es mi idioma, igual que el tuyo el inglés. Los foros son bilingües,no hay normas escritas al respecto porque sería discriminación y seguiré hablando mi idioma,ya que Google da la opción de traducir automáticamente a español o cualquier otro idioma y no cuesta nada. Saludos.🫡

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40 minutes ago, Pirofaller said:

Publico en español porque es mi idioma, igual que el tuyo el inglés. Los foros son bilingües,no hay normas escritas al respecto porque sería discriminación y seguiré hablando mi idioma,ya que Google da la opción de traducir automáticamente a español o cualquier otro idioma y no cuesta nada. Saludos.🫡

My Native language is not English.

There are more than 10000 plus members here and everone has his own native language.

Last time Admin has locked topic due to language.

My intention was just to make you aware .

Thank you.

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5 hours ago, Pirofaller said:

I publish in Spanish because it's my language, just like yours is English. The forums are bilingual, there are no written rules about it because it would be discrimination and I will continue to speak my language, since Google gives the option to automatically translate into Spanish or any other language and it does not cost anything. Best regards.🫡

There is in fact a rule that only English is allowed. Please see this page:

item #6

Going forward, use English. Thank you for your cooperation.

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