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Coarse magnalium


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What is the coarsest Magnalium I can use for strobe fuel? I have some -10+50 but I'm concerned about it sparking when it crushes against itself.

Edited by Mustapyro
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  • Mustapyro changed the title to Coarse magnalium

It seems -10+50 is too coarse for strobe.

100 mesh 150 mesh 200 mesh or combination of single ,two or three different mesh would be a choice depending on burn rate and frequency.

Mesh size is responsible for burn rate and frequency.

Too coarse and too fine distroys effect.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have 325 mesh magnalium powder which is obviously too fine for strobe fuel so I purchased some 200 mesh magnalium.

It is flake magnalium though.

Will this still be okay to use even with the increased surface area provided by the flake form?


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Test a smaller batch like 100 grams.


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  • 5 months later...

I have made a small 100 gram batch and the 200 mesh flake I ordered looks pretty fine.  

The finished product does not look too promising with no noticeable intermittent strobing when burned in a pile.

I will make a small scale test pressed into a tube before manufacturing an entire rocket motor.

I also have some magnalium chunks that were homemade in a furnace.  Would I be able to crush these with a hammer and grind further with a glass mortar and pestle to achieve a mixture between 80 and 200 mesh if this fuel doesn't give the desired effect? Maybe keep whatever passes through an 80 mesh screen?






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Post your formula.

If 200 mesh is not giving satisfactory result then change mesh size.

150 mesh or 100 mesh or combination of 100 and 200 mesh together.

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I am using:

Ammonium perchlorate   60

Barium sulfate   15

Magnalium (200 mesh flake)   17

Magnalium (325 mesh)    8

Potassium drichromate    5

Petroleum jelly   3

Lacquer thinner as solvent 


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Just did a test burn of a pressed sample of the above composition and no strobing at all just a very bright flare effect tinged slightly green from the barium sulfate.

So the magnalium is definitely too fine and the 200 mesh flake does not produce strobe.

I have chunks of homemade magnalium, can I reduce these in size with a hammer and then mill carefully in short intervals in a coffee grinder to get a mixture of lower mesh magnalium for the next test.

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