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Beginner Rocketry Questions


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I'm new to rocketry and I was recently gifted a 3/8 rocket tooling set. I have plenty of black powder but I'm thinking about starting with sugar fuel due to it's simplicity and consistent burn rate. I won't be melting the fuel down, I'm just going to screen mix and ram it.

What is a good kno3 to sugar ratio?

How long should the stick be?

What is a safe shell weight for future rockets?

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Try starting out with a simple 60% b/w Kno3 and 40% powdered sugar. We never really use it in the pro business but it's fun to play around with! One of the best things in the fireworking world is refining formulas and effects to operate most efficiently in the specific item your are working with. As for stick length and weights there are much better informed people on the forum than me. 

Edited by Pyrogeezer
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What kind of black powder do you have? Corned? You want softer grains such as polverone will provide. 

Sugar rockets really need to be made with melted fuel, a "green mix" will not provide the thrust needed and will allow tiny air pockets to develop allowing the flame to propagate through the grain and allowing for a RUD. 

https://www.jamesyawn.net/ is a great place to study up on good sugar fuels and grains. 

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