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Since people love coming by to introduce themselves, I figured I'd give them a place to do it so we don't clog up the forum. Introduce away.
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Hi, my name is Nelson and I'm a recovering alcoholic.


Everyone else: "Hi Nelson".


This is my first 24 hour chip and I feel great.


Everyone else: "::::clapping:::::"


AA is great and with the support from God and everyone here I know I can make it....



LOL, I couldn't resist and no, I'm not actually and alcoholic or recovering from being one. AA really is preitty fun though.

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Greetings all.


I am Tom, or as my Screen Name says, Mephistos Minion. I have been into pyro for about 2 years.


Other interests include:



Thats bout it.

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My name's Jaka and i'm probobly the only Slovene here on the forum and one of two more serious amateur pyrotechnics in my country.

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Hello, my name is... hmm. Wait, I forgot. I don't actually have a name. Ha. Ha.


My interests are oscillating between pure pyro and chemistry/HEs.


I'm from the middle of North America, literally.


I've been addicted for about 2 years. There is no hope for me.


I just realised that if I stir my hot chocolate fast enough it looks like its being stirred by a magnetic stirrer. The intrest-o-meter seems to be leaning to chemistry today.

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G'day all People


My names Daniel..now what else..umm well.. I live in Tasmaina, I've been into pyro for as long as i can accurately remember (a bit over a year now)


Hmm what else is there to say about me...I have other hobbies..and that is about the introduction of me.

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My name is Christian and I live on the northern hemisphere in a country called Finland. I study mechanical engineering, and my recreational activities include skydiving. I've been into pyro for 4 years. That's me in short. I also play the violin. :lol:

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Hello, my name is Mark, and I'm a pyroholic. There is no cure (and if they found one I wouldn't take it anyway). I'm a member of the WPAG and the PGI. Hooked on the smoke.....



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Hey, my name is Alex, but my friends call me Gribbs. I have been addicted to pyro for two years now and im just beggining to get some nice results.


Oh yah, I live in Australia. :blink:


And yes, I do have kangaroos in my backyard and a Koala eats at my dinner table. ;) ^_^

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Hi, my name is chris. I have loved fireworks all my life and in the past 2-3 years I have been making my own. I live in the US (IL). My neighborhood is very quiet but when the 4th comes around it isn't..... not only because of me but my neighbors. One of my neghbors' uncle works in the fireworks industry and is able to get Half Sticks ^_^ (they're freaking crazy!! :blink: )
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My name is joe. I like pyro and drugs.......yay for this pointless post and thread.....long live saturday nights.....peace
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I'm kbk, I run my own forum, which is loosely related to this one. I am 16, live in Ohio (it sucks ass), and enjoy drinking and smoking cigars, as well as being an "ignorant racist" haha. Edit: I also like computers, Linux, hardware, etc, and HE, I like that too.
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My name is ' and I live in Idaho. I've been actively involved in pyrotechnics for almost 4 years.
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Seems alot of people dont want their name or location to be known. Its quite pointless hiding your identity from police and government authorities ^_^ If they want it, they can EASILY get it, hell anybody could!


Though I never share my EXACT address, phone number, pin number....with people online unless I talk to them first :mellow:

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My name is max. I live in australia and have been into pyro for several years... First starting with rocketry before studying pure pyro. Really enjoy the hobby...


My msn is tarney@tpg.com.au if anyone ever feels the need to get to know me better ;)

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Seems alot of people dont want their name or location to be known.  Its quite pointless hiding your identity from police and government authorities ^_^  If they want it, they can EASILY get it, hell anybody could!


Though I never share my EXACT address, phone number, pin number....with people online unless I talk to them first :mellow:

If someone really wanted to yes. If they are that interested in it, then they can take that effort to do so. Why leave yourself open though. I don't care if in a conversation my name is " just another pyro " instead of my real name. Hell someone can find your social security number if they really want to. I had access to someones for 5 minutes and I memorized it. That was 2 years ago and I still remember it. Screwing someone over isn't hard nowadays. The will to act is everything.

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Hello, I have been into pyro for about 2 months. I live in Canada. I have yet to make anything good, but I will keep trying. My other intrests include: Getting wasted, Rock and Roll, LED ZEPPELIN, and having wars at a local lake useing q-tips in a pellet gun.


Peace, Zeppelin

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey, I have been back and forth from college, will do some more stuff this summer. Move from the Pyro more into chemistry I suppose.
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my name is Ollie and i'm from good old England.


i'm into pyro (as you can probarbly tell)


Electronics projects that fail all the time.


cannons and other Miscellaneous exstream hobbys.


and writing music.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey all. Is there anyone near to where I live? I am just outside of Bedford UK. If there is anyone local to me then PM me I would love to meet a local pyro, maybe we can have a beer...
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all


New here my name is Gareth and rocketry is really my thing particularly sugar based fuels. But pyro is starting to bite me and am trying to absorb as much as possible at the moment.

Will mainly probably be active in the rocketry forum for now but watch out pyros i will be back with plenty of questions once I get up and running.






oops sorry feel free to lock, delete move this mods. :o



Merged into the introductions thread in the General Discussion section. -


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Hello, im well... me... i have been into pyro for about 2 years and live in texas, im 18 and i am greatly considering joining the PGI soon, then mabey passfire.com and getting sucked deeper into pyrotechnics. My current pyrotechnic goal is to get some good ariel shells made/tested, and i pretty much just need to cook some more charcoal and find a good local source for about 50lbs of potassium nitrate so i can make enough lift/fill/break.


My other hobbies/interests include chemistry, metalurgy, ceramics, guitar (& bass), HEs, drawing, building/DIY, and very big paintings. I would also be a radio scanning guy if scanners were cheaper.


(I'd like to meet more texas pyros and mabey have a meetup/4th celebration sometime, it would be freakin sweet! Currently i only know of one other texan pyro who actually knows what he is doing though.)

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I feel it is time that I write a brief description about myself. I am nearly 30 years old and I have allways been interested in pyrotechnics. Recently I broke up with my g-f and now I have the opportunity to advance in this hobby... :)


That's it. Got nothing more to say, but now I've said it.. hmm.. Oh, well. I am swedish not an idiot if anyone wonder about my spelling and grammar mistakes. :P

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  • 3 weeks later...



My name is Primož and I'm probably the second Slovenian on this forum.Exept pyrotechnyc and chemistry I'm interested in electronic and handball.

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  • 1 month later...

Good stuff out there these days pyro-guys and gals alike! Call me "Doc"-


I've been in Pyrotechnics for 12 years, HE for 7, and currently took my talent to the Military. Yeah, I got my security clearance and I know "they" are watching me ::waves to the men in black:: :ph34r:


Looked through a bit of the forum and wow, I must say I've been missing out by not getting here sooner! A fellow smoke & fire-breather email me this link, the Admin should put an ad in American Fireworks News-


Hopefully I'll be around enough to make some good posts here but if yall ever need a question answered on the side, feel free to email me at yahoo. I'm on the IM 90% of the time.

C-ya's around.

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