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Anyone ever build a Type II storage magazine?


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The thread on here about building a type IV storage magazine is great and I currently have the box and stuff read to build. I'm wondering if anyone has ever build a type II storage magazine? From what I can tell, the only difference is making it bullet resistant. It doesn't look that difficult since you can get away with thinner gauge steel by using more wood. 

Anyone ever done it? I'd love to be able to make high explosives and this seems like a more doable option than building an outdoor type I storage magazine.

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I've always been interested in this topic. I've seen people make them with "ridged" brand storage boxes and plywood but I've Never seen a true homemade one made without any existing boxes. I assume you could just weld one but I don't know if you have a welder or not. It seems very simple to make. 

Anyway, good luck making your storage magazine.

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