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Kremer UK supplier of red gum


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Hello you old pros,.

I am new to the art and have been spending an incredible amount of time ( and money) on the components to build shells and mines . I have concluded that red gum is necessary ( I am not trying to start any debate mind ya' ) to get the star compositions to a top shelf or close in color and consistency. I am aware that there are many other factors involved too . Feel free to redirect me as you can to keep me from doing unnecessary research , buying things I won't use or mixing something that will fail or make a mess..kwim. Soni have found "Kremer"in the UK offering 1 kilo of accroide/red gum powder for 55$ USD FOB destination. I have seen a lb in Amazon from the Fwcookbook for 20$+19.95$ s&h. Has anyone any experience with Kremer? Or have any input form me. I have , this far made a few test batches of BP and the results are impressive . Rewarding experience as I used my own willow trees as donors for the charcoal .I am going to test it with the baseball technique that I read about yesterday ..I need to find that thread to thank the author for inspiration and using somewhat a scientific approach. I am by no means a chemist but have enough knowledge and education to be dangerous . I do read and study every aspect of whatever elements I am working with safety first and foremost, common sense secondly and finally I learned to walk down the hill....not run...let me know please . I hope all is well and your powder stays dry.


Steve L

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For small packages the big cost is often delivery, find someone close to home. I've had good dealings with skylighter.com in the USA. -Far from the cheapest but so far very reliable.

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Yep - we justify the always increasing delivery fee by ordering from as few places as we can (that's two chem stores in the U.S.), and as few times as possible by waiting till we need many things to get as much out of that shipping charge as possible.


I won't speak bad about a store, but I will say that most people I know who are buying in less than bulk quantities and don't have a manufacturers permit (required by a lot of bulk places), are going to FireworksCookbook.com or pyrochemsource.com. They have reasonable hobbyist prices / shipping, but more importantly are consistently stocked with quality goods (plus reasonable shipping speed). Between these two, I've been able to get most of anything I've needed.


I can't speak to Fire-Fox as I haven't tried them since the new ownership. I can't speak to skylighter as I've always found better prices from the other 2 places.

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Just occasionally a supplier will visit an event with pre-ordered stock. If your favoured supplier is visiting a pyro event near you, you should get a reasonable carriage added. Remember that a 50 pound order actually costs real money for a thousand miles of transit.

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Just occasionally a supplier will visit an event with pre-ordered stock. If your favoured supplier is visiting a pyro event near you, you should get a reasonable carriage added. Remember that a 50 pound order actually costs real money for a thousand miles of transit.

Or 12,000 miles.

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