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Ammonium perchlorate safety and handling


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I would really like to know what is safe to do with AP and what is not. I have googled some safety information but it does not answer my questions... My AP is crystalline, not powder. So it needs to be safely pulverized - what methods are OK?

Do I risk my hand shaking small plastic bottle with AP to make it free-flowing? What about handling dry stars? Any advice, precautions, experience with AP is welcome...

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I don't use a lot of AP because I prefer to use Potassium chlorate for some of the comps I use and don't have the space to use them in different spaces. I only use it for strobe fuel.


But I'll start the list with the top 3 I know of, in order of importance:


1. Explosion Hazard // Potassium Chlorate: Do NOT use around Potassium chlorate, or any other chlorate, generally to the point where it's not a great idea to even mix/use/handle it in the same shop as handling Potassium chlorate. The concern being double displacement between chlorates and AP to form the much more dangerous and unstable organic salt - Ammonium Chlorate (i.e. explosion hazard). This also includes cross use of tools, storage containers etc.


2. Displacement and Hygroscopicity - Potassium Nitrate: Avoid contact between AP and Potassium Nitrate, especially in the presence of moisture (like KCL03) to avoid formation of Ammonium Nitrate and absorption of water to render comps/stars/etc, useless. Some people report the ability to make something like a AP star, and prime with a non-water binder like nitrocellulose, then roll a KNO3 based comp over that and have it work if used pretty quickly (i.e. not stored).


3. Sensitivity: I've heard of sensitivity to impact in a couple instances, but I've not tried or observed this. I have observed the tendency of strobe comp to behave like flash though (as I think most of us have at least seen the video of 500g being set off).

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I ball milled my AP with dedicated * ceramic balls, and everything went fine! I'm always very cautious with milling (for example I don't mill BP)


*By dedicated, I mean the ceramic balls were new and never used for any other mixture, to avoid traces of KN, S, KP or whatever you mill here and there..

Edited by Sulphurstan
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That's an excellent point. The AP sensitivity must be ONLY when mixed with other chemicals to form a completed or partial composition (i.e. strobe).
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  • 5 months later...
I have some 400 micron AP but i need it to be at least 90 microns, is using a ball mill a safe option to make a fine powder?
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I think Sulphurstans response is the best advice - use clean mill jar and clean media to avoid criss contamination or unwanted reaction.
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