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Making more smoke BP


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If I was to use a 10 parts charcoal with 15 parts sulfur will it produce more smoke than the 15 parts charcoal, 10 parts sulfur BP? Blank loads for a cannon. Another thing. What would happen with a blank load of green meal BP? Slower burning? More smoke or fire?

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To the first question, I would expect more smoke. Your proposed formula both (a) moves away from the stoichiometric "ideal" ratio of black powder constituents and (b ) increases the proportion of sulfur to KNO3. I would expect (a) to slow down the burning and (b ) to increase the amount of solid potassium sulfide in the smoke cloud.


To the second question, I would expect more smoke and a larger fireball. The green meal should burn slower than the standard cannon powder, giving a more visible muzzle flash and more smoke from less efficient burning.

Edited by pyrokid
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I think for the sake of using what I have on hand I will do a 4 0z of riced bp with 4 oz of milled green meal. I will

report what happens.

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I would think the green meal would be more of a slow rolling fireball with not much of a bang.... But then again I don't have a cannon!



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Shit... yer using 8 OZ of powder and ain’t got enough smoke or fire? What you shooting- a 16” off the Missouri? :D

Edited by Richtee
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Shit... yer using 8 OZ of powder and ain’t got enough smoke or fire? What you shooting- a 16” off the Missouri? :D

No . Eight ounces is one of the lighter loads being shot in the group I run with. They normally push 12 to 14 ounces. .For my cannon since it is

a mountain howitzer I run with 8 ounces and use 10 to grab more attention.

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I tried the 4 oz meal plus 4 oz of riced powder and it was not worth wasting the powder for the bang. I did get a good bang going 8 oz bp with 4 oz carbon stars.

It will be the night time load for now own. Also a 12 oz load of bp using lump charcoal did give it a good flame Maybe due to load size though.

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If you want attention, get ahold of some 8-ish mesh sponge Ti. Just remember it’s like flaming birdshot tho :D Guaranteed to light up the night. And a gloomy day too.

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