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pyro book download


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Any good links for book downloads? i have a few afn books and the pyros bible i found last night.

anything is appreciated. the wizaards formulary? cant seem to find it anywhere

Edited by ronmoper76
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If you're asking about finding or sharing pirated literature, this is not the forum to do it. It is not something we want to support or encourage.

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Yeah there was one book that I had heard about on amazon that some people I know mentioned. I usually would just get my info off of Skylighter.com because they have an extremely informative database of recipes, techniques and other methods.


Here is the link to the book -https://www.amazon.com/product-reviews/1541283465/ref=acr_dp_hist_1?ie=UTF8&filterByStar=one_star&reviewerType=all_reviews#reviews-filter-bar

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Some of the books available for download are pretty rubbish or simply dangerous, OK a few are reliable but copyright theft deprives the author and publisher of the income that could pay for the next book to be written.


www.Abebooks in your jurisdiction will have all sorts of books, some may be interesting and economical. Lancaster's Fireworks principles and practice, seems to be widely available. Also for a historical perspective Weingart's Pyrotechnics is available on Abe but it's from the chlorate era.

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You can download and install Amazon's free Kindle reader for Pc. Sign up for Amazon's free ebook trial. Download the ebooks you want. Keep/print the books you want.

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thanks all of you guys,i bought a few afn books but i have been hunting for part 6,they want 75$ on amazon.smh

there are so many online but a few ones are hard to find. i dug through pyrobin for a few hours last night and found two good ones also.

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Yeah there was one book that I had heard about on amazon that some people I know mentioned. I usually would just get my info off of Skylighter.com because they have an extremely informative database of recipes, techniques and other methods.


Here is the link to the book -https://www.amazon.com/product-reviews/1541283465/ref=acr_dp_hist_1?ie=UTF8&filterByStar=one_star&reviewerType=all_reviews#reviews-filter-bar

That reference just really is not even close to a halfway decent one to get people started in the field. There are several other much better organized and more thorough references that new folks need to get their hands on, like Shimizu's FAST or Lancaster's works. From Skylighter, their free TurboPyro has some simpleton projects that match up with their kit of course, but they soon get old and are not very good as any sort of a comprehensive learning tool. Skylighter's 800+ project book has excellent chapters on safety and proper supplies and basics. It can be located online for a very low price, but Mumbles would become murderous if links were posted to copyrighted materials.


All of this is missing from the very poor quality text that you linked to on Amazon, and that is precisely the kind of advice that gets new folks injured. Given your lack of knowledge in the seminal pyro manuals/literature in existence, you are clearly a Newbie yourself and are in no position to be providing tutorial/training material advice to other Newbies. I'm sorry, but that's just the blind leading the blind. If I was harsh it's because we don't like to see people hurt themselves, and it's really bad form to spread low-quality information as you did.

Edited by SharkWhisperer
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You seem like the type of person who hurts small animals for enjoyment. Or laughed when you tricked the youngsters in your neighborhood to do so for your perverse pleasure. You're an odd duck. Worth keeping an eye on, if not square between the sights. Back into your hole now.

Ummmmmm ok.....I don't know if your serious or not loll. Like why would you say something like that from me sending an amazon book link and telling him that Skylighter is basically a library to look at....


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thanks all of you guys,i bought a few afn books but i have been hunting for part 6,they want 75$ on amazon.smh

there are so many online but a few ones are hard to find. i dug through pyrobin for a few hours last night and found two good ones also.

Your welcome. Yeah its hard to find good books at a low price, but it seems like you got it figured out

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thanks all of you guys,i bought a few afn books but i have been hunting for part 6,they want 75$ on amazon.smh

there are so many online but a few ones are hard to find. i dug through pyrobin for a few hours last night and found two good ones also.

Go to the source "fireworksnews" Drew has "The Best of AFN 6" on sale for $19. I've bought books and DVD from him. No problem so far.

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im neutral on all this extra shit. im noticing it in all the forums here,people chatting,everything cool.... and them BAM!!! we get wacked over the head with someones opinions and feelings like words coming down from heavens,spoken by god himself. and suddenly everyone bickering and fussing and measuring dicks... it seems like this isnt the kind of place people can just relax and share info

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ronmoper76, it's the way things are these days. It's not these forums, it's people in general. Gotta hang somewhere, this place is as good as many ;) They told me to grow a thicker skin when I started out. Eventually I did, but man, I had no idea how long skin takes to grow ;) I've ordered a few books from AFN because they had good prices.

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That reference just really is not even close to a halfway decent one to get people started in the field. There are several other much better organized and more thorough references that new folks need to get their hands on, like Shimizu's FAST or Lancaster's works. From Skylighter, their free TurboPyro has some simpleton projects that match up with their kit of course, but they soon get old and are not very good as any sort of a comprehensive learning tool. Skylighter's 800+ project book has excellent chapters on safety and proper supplies and basics. It can be located online for a very low price, but Mumbles would become murderous if links were posted to copyrighted materials.


All of this is missing from the very poor quality text that you linked to on Amazon, and that is precisely the kind of advice that gets new folks injured. Given your lack of knowledge in the seminal pyro manuals/literature in existence, you are clearly a Newbie yourself and are in no position to be providing tutorial/training material advice to other Newbies. I'm sorry, but that's just the blind leading the blind. If I was harsh it's because we don't like to see people hurt themselves, and it's really bad form to spread low-quality information as you did.

Thanks for those book suggestions. I will check them out. Also I think somebody posted skylights project book in the downloads if RonMoper76 wants to check it out. You are right I should probably learn a bit more about more advanced firework making processes and methods and such. I do know quite a bit about chemistry however as well as production of pyrotechnic chemicals in a safe and high quality manner.

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Hey guys, new member here. I've been scouring these forums for long enough to make an account and pay back with a bit of knowledge. There is a great website with a ton of various pdf books etc. www.pdfdrive.com

They have "Pyrotechnica" series though they are a bit outdated and don't contain everything I was hoping for, but it's worth a try.

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im neutral on all this extra shit. im noticing it in all the forums here,people chatting,everything cool.... and them BAM!!! we get wacked over the head with someones opinions and feelings like words coming down from heavens,spoken by god himself. and suddenly everyone bickering and fussing and measuring dicks... it seems like this isnt the kind of place people can just relax and share info


The issue is that sharing your own material and wisdom is generosity but sharing someone else's property is theft. Intellectual property is just the same as real hard property. (Don't ) try copying a Disney film and putting it on Ebay! Sharing your own wallet contents is lawful, but sharing someone else's wallet is not.


The legal permissions to copy for fair review usually permit a phrase or sentence to be copied -with attribution of the source. Sadly this is all set down in international treaties and national statute law, and some firms (especially Disney ) have their own teams to seek out copyright infringements and some firms (especially Disney ) will persue rights infringement very assertively.

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Hey guys, new member here. I've been scouring these forums for long enough to make an account and pay back with a bit of knowledge. There is a great website with a ton of various pdf books etc. www.pdfdrive.com

They have "Pyrotechnica" series though they are a bit outdated and don't contain everything I was hoping for, but it's worth a try.

Please take care in not publicly providing links to copyrighted materials--I learned that the hard way awhile back. But if that's the path that you along with many others choose to take, then do yourself the favor of not publicly posting links here (you'll get roasted immediately), use PMs or better yet an off-site eddress to communicate, and use a good VPN obviously. And pyrobin is no secret in this world. There is nothing wrong or out of date with the Pyrotechnica series.


Remember the First Rule of Fight Club. And the Second Rule of Fight Club.

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