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CT pyro's wanting an amendment to current fireworks laws


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I've taken the time to contact many state representatives & a couple Senator's with interests in changing the current consumer fireworks laws to allow for aerial Fireworks to start being sold in our state. A bill proposal has been written by Kerry Wood it's H.B. 6046 it's going to the public safety committee on 2/11. If you're a state resident and are in favor of the current safe & sane laws to be expanded upon please contact your senator & representative telling them you're in support of such a bill. We could use all the help we can get. I'm just an average consumer slowly getting into the hobbyist side & would love our laws to match that of State's like Pennsylvania & New Hampshire. Plus the added revenue in taxes & commerce would be a good thing for the state. Thanks, Dylan
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Michigan lightened up a couple years back. Guess I’m not sure what the actual financial impact has been, but..of course injuries are up, and noise complaints...


Some folks just don’t know how to have a “blast” :D

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