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Uses for ammonium chloride?


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So guess who just bought several cold packs thinking he would get ammonium nitrate but got chloride instead? *facepalms*


So my question is what can I do with it?

I searched for a bit and all I found are some smoke compositions, which I am not particullary interested in any way and they all include kclo3, which I don't have. Some people are also saying that it can be used as a chlorine donor, though I assume not a good one, but that's pretty much it.


Is there a reason to use it as a chlorine donor (for a second I thought that maybe it wouldn't ruin strobes like the others, but that's probably stupid)? Are there any other uses or are there at least any smoke comps that use potassium perchlorate or nitrate instead?



Edited by BiSkittlis
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Yes I know about negative-x as well, but again that needs ammonium nitrate, which I tried to get but couldn't. Oh well I guess I'll just have to do some experimenting with it as a chlorine donor and if I find an use for it I'll update. Thanks anyway!


(yes I know about the whole self igniting when wet if mixed with certain things thing, I'll be careful mom, no need to warn me)

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