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Alumina/ceramic Milling Media


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I am currently looking for a good place for ceramic media. I am looking into alumina to do single component milling to make bp. I know that Caleb has some good media as well as pyro creations. I found axner pottery and was wondering if anyone has any experience with them.


Also it doesn't have to be alumina but that is just what is in the price range right now. I would rather have stainless but can't afford it at the point.


Also lead is not an option for the health concerns that it provides


Thanks in advance

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There's really no health issues using lead unless you're eating your media/bp, but do whatever you're comfortable with.


I've bought chemicals from axner and was happy with them, can't speak to the quality of the media directly, but the company seems legitimate.

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I am young in my pyro career, and it is a risk i don't want to take and regret later down the road. For the cost of some extra (millimg) time i will gladly accept not using lead.


And good to hear that axner is legit. I am going to go that route. Thanks for the reply!

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I've had alumina ceramic media for years with total success, however I'm not pressed for time. They work fine for me but some say lead would be faster.

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I use the mixed size ceramic media from Creations. It's very fast (and cheap) but leaves a few white chips behind. It also causes the drum in my Horrible Freight tumbler to lurch counter clockwise, likely because it so much lighter than lead. I had to attach pieces of teflon baking sheet to the sides with double-sided tape to get it to run without dragging on the sides of the tumbler. It seems to be very efficient and reduces ERC to -350 mesh in 2 hours (I blade mill it a little first).


I use the so-called "double double" method to make BP. I mill KNO3 and charcoal 75:5 which is purported to not support combustion and then screen mix that with 10:10 milled sulfur and charcoal.

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Back in the good old days there was a guy on ebay that sold alumina grinding media for $1 a pound plus shipping. Somewhere I have two gallons of it. Just here to make people sad. :-)


Although there is this... https://www.axner.com/grinding-balls-34.aspx


Axner is completely legitimate. They have a brick and mortar warehouse in Orlando. I spent an hour looking through all their tools in their storefront.

Edited by davidh
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