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Did somebody made red glitter willow stars?


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I really enjoy the red/green/white/gold glitter willow effekt like:


Somebody has experience in manufacturing these effectstars?

I tryed to granulate a fast burning red composition and mix it in TigerTail powder. Pumping the watee damped composition into 10mm diameter stars was successfully, but the effect wasn't.

Groundtest shows: The star produced goldsparks an the star itself strobes irregular (and without color, only bright white/yellow flashes) and very far too rarely when I think about the fact that it contains so much "red composition granulate".

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They are calling it a glitter, but it looks more like embedded strobe micro stars.


You would want a slow red comp for your technique, possibly with a delay prime. So they can fall out into the tail. Rather than burn up in the flame envelope.

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