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"Cohete"for beginners?


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I like woodies cohete rocket tooling idea, and like how simple and traditional they SEEM. My question is if this type of rocket is good for a newbie. I'm not interested in the flash report and am concentrating on just milling my first blackpowder. But when I do get more advanced and start rockets I'm thinking either four ounce BP, cohete BP, or both.


Also, what is "the bible" for rockets as far as books go?




Edit: I put this in the wrong forum. Sorry about that. I guess it should be in rocketry or newbies questions.

Edited by gentrym76
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The cohete spindles are awesome for beginners. The design is very forgiving in terms of fuel (it can be used with wide range of bp fuels and you can even make whistles and strobes), doesn't require much fuel, and uses shorter tubes. So you're likely to be making successful rockets very quickly and without spending lots of money. They don't have as much lifting power as a traditional bp core burner, but they can still lift a decent heading should you want them to.


I'm not a huge rocket guy so I can't say for sure what the "bible" would be. People often mention Sleeter's Amateur Rocket Motor Construction. Forums are a great resource. I'm guessing many questions you have can be, or already are, answered here or on other pyro forums.

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