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Multibreak 6" shell with KP, green stars, strobe core and dragon eggs


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- 300mm aluminum body rocket powered by hot black powder plus 4% phenolic resin wetted with a mix of 50% ethanol and 50% acetone;

- 20% titanium 225-450 sponge added to the delay for a nice tail;

- 8000 PSI pressure applied to the fuel;

- Dried in a electric dehydratator for some hours at 40°C.


Multibreak 6" shell containing:

1. 2x 2" shells filled by granulated KP with crossmatched time fuse;

2. Original Jopete's green stars (red gum plus dextrin binders);

3. Shimizu strobe cores;

4. Dragon eggs.



- Ignition too high;

- Not simmetrical break (due to the presence of the smaller shells inside);

- One red star between the others (??)



Edited by MinamotoKobayashi
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I agree with Royster. Looks very good to me.


Love the sound of the rocket. Very powerful and fast.

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I use phenolic resin to avoid fuel relaxation inside an aluminum tube.

In that way I can press the BP up to 8000 PSI without the "spring" effect, and when properly dried I will obtain a mix hard like a stone

that can tolerate high thrust inside the conic spindle, minimizing the CATO risk.

I haven't noticed any loss of power adding 4% of phenolic resin to the BP.

For bigger rockets I also add 20 parts of KP for every 100 parts of BP to increase the thrust.

Here is the full tutorial:



Edited by MinamotoKobayashi
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I use phenolic resin to avoid fuel relaxation inside an aluminum tube.

In that way I can press the BP up to 8000 PSI without the "spring" effect, and when properly dried I will obtain a mix hard like a stone

that can tolerate high thrust inside the conic spindle, minimizing the CATO risk.

I haven't noticed any loss of power adding 4% of phenolic resin to the BP.

For bigger rockets I also add 20 parts of KP for every 100 parts of BP to increase the thrust.

Here is the full tutorial:



Hello , thanks for your tutorial, with your hybrid fuel, can you use clay nozzle ? Or you must make nozzleless motor ? Thanks..,

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I never tried to use clay nozzle because I need the max thrust available for few seconds.

Besides this, I suffered much more CATOes with nozzle rockets and normal BP fuel, so since nozzleless rockets forgive mistakes

much more than nozzle ones do, I switched to nozzleless type forever :)

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Nice rocket!


Can you give an indication of the shell's weight and the rocket sticks that you used for the balance?

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