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Pyro Afternoon 16/09/2020


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Yesterday I met a pair of pyro-friends. They were on a journey and they had to pass from the zone I live to get back to home, so we decided to organize a short pyro afternoon to know each other and light some rockets.


Here I post some photos and videos of the moment.




We went to a mountain, so we didn't disturb anyone. I had never visited that zone, but I think it's the best place to light fireworks.



Color rocket, with independence green rolled stars (first batch with my new star roller). This one contains 3 grams of granulated BP, so the burst was weak. I made another color rocket, but I used 3 grams of flash (kno3-mg-s, 6/3/1) as burst charge, instead of the granulated BP.



This one is called "Bomba de Palenque". It's basically a multi-shot rocket, composed by 3 small salutes (about 2 grams of flash each) and a final salute, a bit bigger (4 grams of flash, in the video they sound very similar). The header also has a pair of grams of granulated BP, to ignite easier the inserts. I have to improve the timing, I should have wrapped the Visco fuses with masking tape.





Finally, a 5th class salute rocket. I started a post about a month ago to show the process of this rocket. In this case, the header is a bit improved and the blackmatch has been done with the multi-string method (Ned Gorski has a video, using the blackmatch machine). The header contains 10 grams of flash.


P.D.: As I have said, we went to a mountain, so the sound was lower than expected. In a edificated zone, the sound would be higher. higher.

Edited by PyroGround
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Not a believer in wasting fuse I see...jeez... I never done much rocket work, but I was always aware and HAD CATO’s. You don’t wanna be next to that if it happens. Nice launches tho. But be careful!

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Not a believer in wasting fuse I see...jeez... I never done much rocket work, but I was always aware and HAD CATO’s. You don’t wanna be next to that if it happens. Nice launches tho. But be careful!

Thanks Richtee! You aren't the first one getting crazy because of the short fuse...the thing is that I like copying the traditional rocket models where I am from, the tiny blackmatch included haha. And is true what you're saying, a cato wouldn't be a enjoyable sensation...I've made almost 100 rocket motors, and I haven't had any cato (the worst have been powerless rockets that have bursted at mid-height), and I hope being as lucky as I've been until now.

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