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6 Inches Shell With Strobe And Multibreak


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After a long pause I built my first 1,7KG multibreak 6" shell powered by a 400mm lenght BP rocket.

I used a reusable aluminum 30mm tube diameter, 2mm wall thickness, filled by a mix of classic 75-15-10 hot BP added with a 4% of phenolic resin,

slightly wetted with few grams of bio-ethanol 95°, pressed at 8000 PSI and dried for some hours in my electric dehydratator.

I done so to completely eliminate the fuel relaxation and to obtain a propellant hard like a stone.

The delay was made with the same mix plus 20% of 225-450µm Titanium sponge.

The hole was carefully drilled with a depth of 325mm and a diameter of 12mm with the help of a custom handmade tool

that permit me to make holes perfectly centered and parallel to the host.

With a conical cutter I also drilled a fake nozzle to create an enhanced exhaust.


First of all, gluing a lot of Titanium sponge with Titebound glue around the inner walls of the 2" hemises:



Half filling the shells with flash powder (Allen flash #3 formula) plus some grams of rice hulls, pasting it and creating crossmatched time fuses.

For this purpose I used some pieces of small fuses found inside a flat passfire fuses:



Placing the small 2" shells completely dried and hardened inside the two 6" hemises:



Placing a lot of small strobe stars (Shimizu formula) primed with Monocapa (replaced MgAl with German Dark and red gum with phenolic resin):



Filling the hemises with enhanced coated rice hulls (5 layers of hot BP and two layers of KP).

I wasn't able to use the classical tissue paper method due to the presence of the six 2" shells:



Putting a lot of dragon eggs (Kaotch formula):



Closing the 6" hemises and perfectly pasting them adopting the NeighborJ method:



Rocket finished and ready to be launched (it is indicated by the arrow ... the other rockets are already ready for the next 2021 LOL):



And finally the launch:



This firework was nice but had some issues:

1. Break too high, it appears too small for a 6" shell, dragon eggs not audible;

2. Two of the six 2" shells was not ignited, I dunno why because all the shells was made exactly in the same way and placed correctly.



That's all!

Edited by MinamotoKobayashi
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Nevertheless, beautiful shell. It looks like your motors are to strong for 6" shell, but I guess the header itself didn't weigh 1,5kg. I like that you document every step of building process, which can be used as tutorial for others, so thank you :)

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I find but he doesn't want share,



so thanks to mumbles to the right spelling, i will endure on my mix with alcohol solvent and change some variables, to obtain a crakling and not a big boom (my mix works in 3x3 mm pieces but are suitable only for dragon flowers)

Edited by kingkama
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Yes it is a shame, this is a free forum but Pyro are all greedy of their recipes you can offer a trade of knowledge but somehow you had to speak a common language or have a commom basis of understanding to have an exchange, if not is only a time consuming activity, time subtracted to experimental exercise that can drive to a better solution, because, the pros whom teched me this art taught me that you can't have all time the same quality in all batches of primary material so you have to learn to obtain the best from what you have, so, a recipe is only a guide line that you have always to develop.
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I undertand this Kingkama, but when Kaotch has kindly told me the formula he begged me not to communicate it to anyone,

and I respect his will. The mistake was mine to write "kaotch formula" when it was actually not necessary. When I can,

I explain all my knowledge and my little discoveries in my detailed tutorials, otherwise I have to abide by the will of the owners

of the formulas.

Edited by MinamotoKobayashi
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Mister minamoto, there isn't problem, anyone do how is pleased to act. At the end i was onlyCurious Of learning a different way of making an effect, but, believe me what i learned about kaotch effect for a series of factor oblige me to exclude this kracling from my recipe book, if you want to know why i will be happy to say you in private. Edited by kingkama
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The formula was commuted during private communications with minamoto under the condition not to share and not to make any reference to my name!

He already admitted he made a mistake attributing this formula to my name. Thanks for admitting this mistake.

Regrettably this information ended up on the public board and been blown up by kingkama because I refused to share him the formula.

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This is a forum, share opinion and results is the best way to use it. You don't want to share, well, is in your own right, in mine to Polemicize, you give me in our private elements to know how your formula works, from where come and to say thanks is not for my way of use, I offered to you the results of my research, but you fucked off me cause I don't know which brand is the hexamine free phenolic resins I use for make up my cracklin. You must study before be a professor, newer Underestimate who is in front of you, be Humble, cause your formula can be made in grams if you don't want use a well known orange potassium salt, in kilos, In a factory stars roller it would become an hazardous works. So I think we can stop this there and now, cause this thing go a bit off.
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In your culture not sharing is regarded as a big problem and all kind of hard talk is used to achieve your goal. As you already said in your own words FUCK OFF !!!!

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Dear guy no word is usefully to say some on you, tanks a fuck off from you is the best that you can give me, wather bonded crackling that came of from a Chinese formula published on this forum is not an achievement, mgal will ever react with wather you use for sgrs so in a 50 kilo dose (the charge of a pro star roller) is a big gamble, so i said no thaks, this is all why use a crappy formula when i have mine, i solved the problem, my crackling works fine and i have two formula one for flower one for dragon eggs, and all this thanks to yoir stubborn ideas of been the one who discovered the grail. So as i said this thing canbe stoped there, i take no offence from you, for me is useless.
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You are accusing me that I used a shitty chinese formula posted on this forum. Show me where it was posted on this forum? Since you are associated to commercial fire works manufacture in your country you are just fishing for information and are absolutely not sharing anything formula wise other than shitty outdated formulae.



I did not beg you to conceal my information but demanded. Since this is corrected I was under the impression that you were trustworthy how mistaken I was.

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@kaotch (like you write)

Wich is your problem, at the end i say that you dont want to share a formula, said that is in your rigth act as you want, and because you said to me that your foemula is binded with sgrs i say thanks i dont use it, given you information on a formulation i working on, so explain to me where I'm wrong. What i do to offend you, i said that in a forum sharing is a good way to take information and giving information, stop so i can't understand your rage. Yes i worked as a pro for some time, sometime i go for set up and firing in show, it's a problem? Belive me that anyone trust only it's formulation, so there is no need to fishing other one formulas, just some hint, an idea, a new way of doing, but at the end anyone must make on its own.

Please mumbles moderate this thing, i think is the time to.

Edited by kingkama
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Guys, at this point here is the time for me to step in.

Honestly, I no longer recognize the forum where I landed a few years ago. For some months I have perceived among users only hatred, rivalry, competition,

subterfuge, selfishness, nastiness.

These are flames starting from nothing, where no one has done anything wrong.

In a world where most people, myself included, have lost both their jobs and their freedom due to Covid19 issues, adding as well that doctors recently diagnosed

me an esophageal cancer at an advanced stage, predicting me a life expectancy from 1 to 5 years maximum, I would say that I have other much more important

thoughts that are buzzing in my head currently.

I proudly brought my 5 cents to this forum asking for nothing in return but a peaceful and quiet coexistence.

I have seen similar degradations in other forums, and I was hoping APC would not end up like them, but apparently I was wrong.

Excuse me but I have a strong desire to spend my last days in a peaceful environment, away from the chaos and evil of every day.

If in here will be no longer possible to create something so simple and priceless, I will be forced to leave this forum as well, and to keep in touch with the people I

care about only via PM.

A beautiful crap, indeed.


Edited by MinamotoKobayashi
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Well you have my full understanding, covid destroyed alot of beautiful things, I'm sorry for the caos I created, I hope your disease can be cured and your problem could be resolved.

As well I like your works, your patience and ability to make up rockets and headers.

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I've never made crackle before, but it sounds killer.

It's a pretty effect, long lasting cause is usefull to extend the duration of stars or make a cool addition to daytime fireworks.

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Здравствуйте! много чего хочется написать на этот пост, но скажу одно не впадай в отчаяние, желаю выздоровления.

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Здравствуйте! много чего хочется написать на этот пост, но скажу одно не впадай в отчаяние, желаю выздоровления.

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"Hello! I would like to write a lot for this post, but I will say one thing, do not fall into despair, I wish you recovery."

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