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How does phenolic resin burn when no perchlorate is around


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There are a lot of stars without chlorate or perchlorate.


How will phenolic resin burn, when porassium, barium or strontium nitrate is the only oxidizer?

Will it burn at all?

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Yes it will burn, its not an inert compound. How well it will burn, will be based on the individual comp. Is there a specific comp or effect your curious about ?


PR is said to burn more energeticly with KP than RG. With nitrate BP based comps its said to slow them down some, and can/will effect the tail. With colored nitrate, metal fueled comps it probably has a negligible effect, speed/burn wise.

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Metallic stars will burn just fine with the compositions that are typically Barium/Strontium Nitrate, metal fuel, chlorine donor, and phenolic based. Potassium nitrate also burns with phenolic resin. It's not particularly fast out in the open, but I believe under pressure it's better. You could probably make some basic rockets with it for instance.


What kind of things were you thinking of? Maybe we could be of more help with a little better idea of what you're looking to do.

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Right now i think about Ned Gorskis Skylighter article, go getters with the brilliant rubber stars.

This is a metallic nitrate only formula, with 10% redgum.


How will this perform with phenolic resin, will it burn even faster then with redgum?



You could probably make some basic rockets with it for instance

Thats what I intend to do :)

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Phenolic resin burns well but slow with at least the nitrates of potassium and strontium (I cannot recall if I tried with barium nitrate?)

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This is a 12mm rolled star with Jopete's RED2 formula Monocapa primed. I replaced red gum and dextrine with phenolic resin (doing the right calculations)

and added 5 grams every 100 grams in the mix of Titanium sponge. They needed over a week to dry completely because the star was

too big and it was made in one unique step, but the burn was fierce and the flame envelope better. The stars burn fastest compared to the

official formula.

Edited by MinamotoKobayashi
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Spanish PDF does not count. I dont have it in front of me now, but I think they all contain perchlorate.



They needed over a week to dry completely because the star was too big and it was made in one unique ste

Sounds like driven in?

Is that a problem with the resin? Because I see much boasting about how fast they dry.

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No,they dry quickly, being encased in a paper tube, may slow that down some. But it wouldn't be any different for RG either. Phenolic isn't likely to be driven in or even possible.
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