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Custom reloadable firework cake invention?


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I saw somewhere a long time ago that a company made canister shells that had timers on the bottom for you to adjust the delay on them and they sold tubes to where you could form them in the shape of a cake. I believe this company was based out of the UK. I really can't remember. I'm not sure if anybody has seen this like I have but if so, please link it to me. Thanks! :)

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You might be thinking of Gamon.es, they make plastic canister shells and modular mortars/shot tubes etc., which are designed to be used with the pre-cut Monetti time fuse. You won't find any resellers in the UK though and Gamon only sell in bulk to other businesses, not individuals.

Edited by Pyrophury
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Unfortunately that's not it but thank you for sharing. The reloadable canister shells have a piece that you can twist and it will adjust the time delay.
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I remember seeing an advertisement for these a few years ago. The tubes were black plastic and I think they clipped together.


There was a twist function to alter the firing delay I believe. It was a UK product if I remember correctly.


I can't recall the name of the manufacturer. It was pretty expensive.


I have searched Google with no luck.

Edited by Mortartube
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i think there was an article on this in one of the issues of Pyromagazine,


which no longer seems to be in production.


cant remember which number though.

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