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ww2 soe self solder sleeves


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its always worth throwing things open to a wider community so :-


here an interesting little item, they look hand molded around a copper tube containing solder.


any ideas as to a potential composition ?


apparently they are rock hard and "burn" with a distinctive odour


see at ~6-46




some of us in the uk (on pyrogear) are trying to copy them just from pure interest.

Edited by dave321
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I love that idea. I would buy those by the hundreds if they where still on the open market.

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It wouldn't surprise me if the glue/binder is the critical component, IF the really were SOE toys then there would have been lots made but I'm also thinking that field telephone companies in the army would have a use for them. IF they were wartime production then they would be well made using ingredients available in the UK as much as possible.


The old glues like hide glue, fish glue etc may well well be in the mix rather than PVA/Epoxy etc red gum may have a long way to travel.

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I think you are right,...…….the binder is crucial,


I think we have cracked it by the way

Edited by dave321
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resorcinol resin seems to work quite well to give a similar effect


(i am not saying thats what was used in the original)

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