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Help Requested - Sizzling Green Magnalium Stars


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Hello everybody, I am looking to get started on some small pyro projects and here to ask for some help/guidance as I get started in the hobby.



One of the first things I wanted to make is stars, specifically "Sizzling Green Magnalium Stars"


So I do not have a Formula for these and Nor Do I know the procedure to create them so I will need some assistance with this.


I have some books, I have the "The Wizard's Pyrotechnic Formulary" as a reference for some ideas but really require some help to be honest.


One thing is the size of these stars needs to be small enough to fit inside a fountain because that is one of my next projects and I would kind of like to be able to just go forward from this project and work together on the fountain project if possible. Meaning that I would want to also use these sizzling stars in the fountains.


The fountains I wanted to make are the Silver Titanium Gerbs Listed Here:




I have many questions about how to make those but that is for another post and another time, but.. the 3 aperture nozzle sizes listed are either:


5/16 inch, 1/4 inch, 3/16 inch


so Ideally I would like the stars to be able to fit into these.


Questions so far are what do I need for the ingredients, I realize there are many ways of doing things, different formulas and so on but, as some general starting point where can I start, as far as the formula?


and also, how do I create them? I would like for these to be cut stars to make things easier on me.


Do I just make green cut stars and then try to some how roll the magnalium on them?

This is one of my concerns because what I really wanted was the whole star mix to sizzle as well, meaning that the green stars were mixed with the magnalium in them already so that it would just sizzle until it was done burning as opposed to sizzling and then just burning the rest of the green star.

Edited by R7T
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That's an effect that will probably take a lot of testing and tuning. If you haven't got your fountains dailed in yet, work on those first.


Honestly the green will probably show better with the glitter comp, than the TI. Your probably going to want to use the 5/16" throat, possibly larger.


The cracking color comp will have the Mg/Al incorporated into it, not just coated on the outside. Maybe try researching micro stars, thats what you are essentially going to be needing, for fountains.


Formula books are nice, but they don't teach you how to build safe functioning items.

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Try to add a 120-160 MgAl 2or 4 % to the total of green, magnalium in excess give a sizzling sound and a bit of crackling
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Thanks so far Guys, ok so I will choose a green formula, I am going to try now to search on pyrodata and see if I can't find one that has a video that looks good, is simple and somewhat safer than some of the others.


So I will Pick a Green Color Star Formula Then kingkama says to just add about 2-4% of total of the green star powder to the batch.




It's a dumb question and I figure I already know the answer is No, but Can Magnalium Stars Be Rammed? Like when I make the fountain? No Right,? Because Metals Can Never Be Rammed..

it is just that on the fountain that I listed above the maker says that he finds that he can ram spherical Titanium without an issue I was not sure that sounded so safe to me though, so I wanted to ask and be sure that I don't make a critical mistake with this by any means.


That would mean basically for me that I would be ramming not one metal. the Spherical Ti but also the Magnalium stars.

What would be the best way to do this if I have to have metals in my fountains?


How do I mix the green star formula? I mean ok I realize just literally take the ingredients and mix them in the correct ratio but do I need some other process like a binder?

What liquid needs to be added to make them wet and ready to add to the sliced framed star cutting screen before cutting them?


How long will it take to dry the stars?

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I think you want to arrive directly to the end without the nessary steps, you want to ram something that contain some other things you dont know how to make, download turbo piro or some books, you are in time also for the 4 july
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