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This happened as well


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While we were out straining the .22’s performance these were on the smoker to about 128°. Then when we came back..they hit the lump charcoal straight on :{) Mmm!





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Salivating just at the pictures!! From memory you sold your rubs in Aus just cant remember where!!🤔
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They look mighty tasty.


The wonders of Charcoal!

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Salivating just at the pictures!! From memory you sold your rubs in Aus just cant remember where!!


Yes, but that’s kind of come to an end. Still import my poultry brine, but it’s going to a few restos directly. The retail end is gone :( BBQ Plus and another place I can’t think of did carry them. Import/shipping costs pretty much killed the retail end.

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Richtee, Those steaks look amazing. It kind of reminds me of the brontosaurus burger that Fred Flintstone used to order. Now I want steak for dinner. What cut of beef is that with the long bone attached to it? Dyl
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Basically a rib steak with the whole rib attached. “Prime” rib roast would be the beast if the bones were trimmed off and left uncut to steaks..


Colloquially known as a “Tomahawk’ steak.

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I can't beleave you didn't invite us all.


Well, they were big, but... not THAT big :D That’s $100US in my brother’s hands there as well... I’d have needed 5 pounds dark AL for entry :D

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