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Where to get bentonite clay?


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Im an amateur an trying to make rockets and I need a good bunch of clay for bulkheads and such. Ive already made some ok-ish Tooling, and have not quite managed to make my first with wetted cornstarch

(Course it didnt do very well)

Anyway does someone know where to get the stuff? Un scented kitty litter?




Edit: would this do? https://www.amazon.com/Natural-Controls-Naturally-Special-Kitty/dp/B01MQ3XY6J/ref=mp_s_a_1_15?dchild=1&keywords=unscented+clay+cat+litter&qid=1589657438&sr=8-15

Edited by peterpyro
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A dollar store or wallmart.

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That stuff will work fine. Many people have used that brand of kitty litter with success. If you're ordering something, you might want to think about getting something from a ceramics supplier or Dr. Elsey's which is also highly regarded kitty litter.

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That stuff will work fine. Many people have used that brand of kitty litter with success. If you're ordering something, you might want to think about getting something from a ceramics supplier or Dr. Elsey's which is also highly regarded kitty litter.



If looking at a ceramics supplier, I'm told Hawthorne Bond fireclay is excellent. They also will likely have bentonite clay and several other powdered clay materials.


A trusted friend always suggests using the cheapest generic kitty litter available to avoid unnecessary perfumes and fillers. The better ones have uniform sized particles and flow characteristics.


Good hunting!



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Don't mail order it! The shipping spikes the price. That stuff is cheap in every place that sells pet supplies. Simply buy the cheapest kitty litter. The cheaper the better.

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I was actually at the dollar store yesterday and I thought to look in the pet isle and saw kitty litter, but I was a bit unsure, and I dont think I could have stuffed it in a backpack since I was in my bike. Now I know that any will do, I might go back and get it then...


The stuff on amazon had free shipping, and at the moment I somehow dont have $12, so the dollar store should work great.


I dont know if I could afford something from a ceramic supplier, though it does sound like a great idea.


I think Ill just pop into dollar tree tomorrow and that should do it


Thanks everyone!

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Simply finding the local suppliers for all sorts of things that may help pyro is a very worthwhile task. Pottery/ceramics people have all sorts of chemicals -some useful.

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Bentonite is a good multipurpose beginner clay. The nozzles erode a bit, and long storage can be an issue, so at some point you can move to fireclay, which doesn't have the sodium like Bentonite. But if you make it and shoot in in a couple weeks, and aren't building motors on the edge of blowing up, Bentonite works fine.


An added note. I always like my bentonite at least a bit granular. I will run it through my mill for a few minutes, and screen to get cuts that work well (nozzles, bulkheads, shortening lance tubes, etc.). You can mill longer and get dust if you want (not sure why you would want fines; I normally toss the fines). Toss the first batch out of your mill. It will clean your mill and be somewhat contaminated.

Edited by davidh
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Alright cool! Sounds like Ill be riding my bike down to dollar tree today and throwing kitty litter into my coffee mill


Thanks everyone!



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Really good nozzles can be machined from solid graphite and epoxie'd in place.after ramming the grain

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The deed has been done! It was super cheap and looks just as I had expected!


Thanks guys!

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I think that would make sense! Things you learn everyday



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