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How do the chinese make flash powder?


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i wanted to know how the chinese safely make larger amounts of flash powder?

i have not found any reliable source on how they make it on the web.

and how do you guys mix larger amounts?



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In my opinion, if you're making larger quantities the only safe way is by screening. It's not really like screening composition as normal, but it's easier to demonstrate than describe. As to how the chinese do it, who knows. My bet would be on a big cement mixer if we're being candid.

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Flahs is sensitive but not like nitroglycerin, when i was a propyro we made up to 200 kilo a week for insert and salute, you must be quiet concentrate only diaper mixing no sifting all ingredients together dress cotton clothes and insulated shoes, avoid the hottest day hours, lightning, too less moisture and closed place, working outside in the first hours of day is the best, industrially is impossible often the best solution is binary mixing or be aware that mixing 25 kilos is a problem for who have to pick up your pieces if some go wrong.
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I've seen a machine at a pyro company that mixes flash. You add the ingredients to a paper tub, leave, it runs for about 15 minutes, and you come back and get a 10KG paper tub of well-mixed flash.

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Apparently not quite the same way they make viruses... don’t hear much about flash incidents.



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I got the nastiest cough, and every time i look at my daughter, i pray that if i have this plague, and it kills me that my wishs be honoured and my dead body packed with flash and sent to china with no return address and a full pack of smokes in my top pocket! Along with a bbq ignigter
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