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My first 6" multibreak shell.


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Following the directive of some kindly users, I realized my own blackmatch fuse to create some crossmatch fuses.

Since my blackmatch was too big and not perfectly rounded, I was forced first to make an hole at the center of the time fuse, then

split the fuse in two parts using a cutter (cutting from the hole to one end of the fuse).

In that way I was able to insert easily the blackmatch.

Then I used a thin cotton thread to keep the two cutted parts close together and finally some glue to keep everything

firmly in place.


Placing 6x2" shells filled with granulated KP plus Titanium plus MgAl:





Inserting small green stars:



Inserting a lot of dragon eggs between the free spaces:



Filling the shells with enough coated rice hulls (five layers of hot BP meal and two last layers of KP meal):



The pasted shell attached on the top of a 300mm sugar rocket:



Attacking two long Samba sticks to perfectly counterbalance the rocket trajectory and inserting the fuse:



Placing the finished rocket amid the other ready rockets.





I hope to found new places where to lauch this beasts. I live in a country where it is difficult to find open spaces,

and I prefer to change the launching place everytime.

Stay tuned :)

Edited by MinamotoKobayashi
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with the title you have , i thought i was going to see a few shells stacked on a stick. nice looking shell and motor. when will it be lit.

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Goodness, your hallway looks like a pyro dream!


Nice that you made your own blackmatch. One suggestion though...I could clearly see that the insides of your white string still looked white. Perhaps your string is too thick. Perhaps you didn't massage the BP slurry in sufficiently, but your match should be black all the way through. If not, you probably will get uneven burning rates (especially from batch-to-batch). It doesn't hurt to take your time to get the string good and saturated with BP, all the way through (the inside should also be black). Like with granulated BP, though, you also do want to try to dry it as quickly as possible. Looking forward to see how that 6" shell worked out!

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Very nice spiking on that one shell. Have you launched shells like that before? Spiking ball shells is something I'm interested in trying.
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Nope, this is my first shell with other smaller shells inside.

Unluckly now all Italy is locked due to the Coronavirus emergency, so I'm forced to rest inside my home.

I cannot launch any shell because the fields are far away from here and the police check every road ;(

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How did you apply string in such uniform manner? It's really nice looking. Can't wait for the videos.

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