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NYE 2019


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Hi all!

Happy new year and all the best wishes to you.


Hereby some 4" & 5" shell's. Lift was little too low for a reason that's still unclear to me, but other than that I was satisfied about the results.

The year before I used the same lift for the 5", and then they blew right past the moon. One out of three only got to the right altitude now, but the same amount of lift was used on all of them. This shell was one of the heaviest out of the three..


Anyway, enjoy!:



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Nice breaks, but like you said a little too low for comfort.

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Very nice breaks!! What do you use for prime? Do you use any special layer for color change?
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@BM: This was regular hot 8 h ball milled meal as the final layer on everything. The trick is to keep it really dusty. I roll the last 1-1.5 mm of prime without water. For color stars there's a mix of pinbal/meal 1:1 below the meal layer. Seems to light everything properly so I didn't bother too much to change it.


For the color changes I used a very thin layer of the same ball milled meal, no hot prime as it's already on the outer trajectory of the shell when it reaches there. I tried this before with some cut stars, and then I only used meal. Not even a hot prime below the final prime, and they all lit perfectly. Due to that I felt comfortably to make the stars like this.


@Pigeon, yeah still bit in the dark here about what happened since I used the same pulverone last year too. Have to find some way to test my lift charge. Normally if it burns 'okay' I can use it properly for lift, but something was off here for some reason.

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If it is from last year, how did you store it?

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@Pigeon, same like I do with everything from stars to powder to lift, in airtight containers. I've stars lying around from more than 6 years back (blue and glitter to blue in these vid's). So that shouldn't be the issue here.


@Jopetes, thanks! Well you might've recognized some of them, as almost all are from your PDF except the initial blue/purple on the last shell. That was Madjdali purple to your blue. The rising tails were a golden streamer from Mike Swisher from Passfire. Other stars are all your colors. Aqua, red, green & blue + white glitter.

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