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my first sugar rocket


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hey guys im trying to fly my first sugar rocket but they dont even move they just throw a lot of flames and smoke and thats it, very disappointing actually, so i believe the problem its related to my potassium nitrate source but i dont know where to check for its purity, i have 1 kg of potassium nitrate i bought from a local agrochemical store, on its chemical composition it says it has 41% of inert ingredients, but it doesnt says which ones, so even if my problem its the purity of the nitrate i really dont know how to purify it


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It is believed that the problem is that 41% of slag. For purification it is very simple, in a baker you prepare a saturated solution in distilled water.

For a kg of kno3 add 400ml of distilled water and bring it to 90 degrees centigrade, mixing well.

Once the solution appears transparent, let it cool to room temperature. At that point you will see the kno3 crystals supplied, then in another Baker, place a food filter, I used cotton napkins, collect your crystals inside the filter , squeeze well and put the crystals to dry.

You will have enough pure nitrate to use.

Edited by Nitrotitanite
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