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My new year artillery is on the way :)


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Hi guys.

This time almost 40 kg of fireworks are on the way:

4" 5" and 6" shells are powered by my well collaudated r-candy granulated mix;

8" shells are powered by my custom hybrid hot BP/KP fuel;

6" and 8" shells use aluminum tubes, the other the classical cardboard tubes;

4" shells are the only one that will use granulated hot BP as break charge, the others uses coated rice hulls

(five layers of hot meal BP and last two layers of KP as boosting purpose).

This time I have prepared different effects:

Jason's golden glitters stars;

Winokur 39J silver glitters stars;

Yellow fading red stars;

Green fading yellow fading red stars with strobe as last effect;

Super kamuro fading golden glitters fading Shimizu II blue;

Dragon eggs only effect.

For the 8" shells I will use two layers of stars: the bigger external stars are yellow fading red, the smaller internal stars are Winokur 39J.

Every of the above shells will contain a generous amount of dragon eggs. I placed the small stars in all the available spaces between and around the stars.

This is an extra added value that does not steal space or bursting power.

And again:

9 shots handmade custom cake (8 different colours plus dragon eggs at the center):

Flash powder super salute 5" rocket (a massive 450 grams shell full of flash and rice hulls as final bang);

One 3" and two 4" bombs filled by flash powder and titanium only with time fuses instead normal fuses.

To maximize the bang I applied double amount of gummed tape for an extra confinement.

The fuse was hot glued, so the shell can be launched far away as a bomb in a field grass and even throwed in a river or lake, because this kind of fuse is waterproof and hermetically sealed.

There are also two expensive professional cakes: 49 shots caliber 50 and 200 shots caliber 25. The first is full of brilliant colours,

the second has a 3 minutes playing time and contains elegant silver and gold effects.

This cake can shoots in many different directions!


Finally, here in Italy I have found a company that produce extra quality shells like the japanese ones!

They uses virgin white pure paper pulp not pressed from recycled papers as usually.

Compared to the the ugly brown cheap chinese shells, these shells appears perfectly simmetric, without any kind of deformation, whiter, smoother, thicker

and stronger.

There are no imperfections on the surface, and they costs only few cents more compared to the chinese ones!

Here is some shots of the beautiful 4" and 5" shells:




Have a good crackling happy new year !!! :P

Edited by MinamotoKobayashi
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Looks like you'll be having a great time mate,lots of work in those well done.have a great safe time.Happy New year. Buy the way who supplies your nice shells? Thanks B
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The quality seems excellent and the walls also seem thicker than usual.

I recently purchased 3 "shells from Pyropowder.de, nothing like the usual Chinese balls, but otherwise good quality.

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Dear friends, this was the most sad and depressing new year of my life.

Everything was ready to have fun.

The car was filled by 50 kg of rockets and cakes, and of course, some tons of sweets and sparkling wines.

30 minutes before midnight ... my car died!

Engine trouble warning light on, message relating to a fault in the anti-pollution system on.

Nothing like this was happened in 37 years of driving in my life.

The lousy and evil fate chose to punish me just before celebrating the new year.

It have spent almost two months to prepare the fireworks, and two sleepless nights to finish everything in time.

I spent the celebrations alone like a stray dog, along the deserted street, while the others had fun.

If I wasn't 55 I would have put myself in a corner crying like a desperate child.

I posted the only short video that I managed to make: a professional caliber 50 cake lit on the roof of my house.

I couldn't light the rockets because too dangerous to launch them in the city.

I hope all of you have gone better than myself, my dear friends ...



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All my comprehension, that was an unluky event. But dont give up, two years ago it starts raining 5 minute before midnigth and the wind went from 15 kmh to 50, all my works ruined by the water i had to trow away all things....
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did you buy directly from the factory?

Nope, a friend of mine has a firework company, so he has bought these shells for me.

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