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"Lady of The Saints" Streamer


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Hello! :) I just wanted to share this composition with you, it's a very simple composition and certainly nothing special, but I adore it for the warm feeling it gives you when you see it.


Name of composition: "Lady of The Saints"
Composition Type: Tailed streamer star
Creator: Yannis Manesis
Charcoal tail with occasional sweet bright silver flashes
The Composition: (by weight)


KNO3 - 55

Charcoal (airfloat) - 25

Aluminium (250-325mesh, atomised) - 15

Sulfur - 8

Dextrin - 5


Any Precautions/Incompatabilities: Before wetting, add 1% boric acid to protect the Aluminium.


Precedure/Preparation: A simple screen mix should work fine, as long as it's done correctly and well. I guess you could also ball mill the composition without the aluminium. I've never tried it but I'd reckon it would give a more even and rich tail, but also burn out quicker.


Fun trivia about the name of the composition, for anyone bored enough to read this: So, my homeplace, Zakynthos island, has a big tradition in marching brass bands, with every festivity being accompanied by one. I'm in one of those bands. The signature piece of my band is called "Κυρία των Αγγέλων" (Lady of The Angels), and it's a short and sweet march composed by our bandmaster, now a beloved 70 year old man. So, I named the composition after the march, by tweaking the title a bit ( :) ), and after my bandmaster.


Thanks for your time!

Edited by yannismanesis
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